PvP Afk is AV safe?

The answer is no, I just caught an 8 day suspension for what was listed as exploiting. I can only assume it’s because I stood on flags in bunkers until they burned or were contested. I can guarantee this system is automated and not reviewed because this is 100% false.

Don’t bother trying to catch up with pvp gear, playing the game is now a bannable offense in PvP.

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No, you can’t guarantee that.


Yes I can, as someone that did not commit an offense it is not an assumption to say that a false ban would provide proof of automation. If this were actively reviewed and evidence looked at this could not have happened. If I went AFK I would lose my job, every second logged in a bg had me at the keyboard. I have not exploited nor have I broken the TOS. The only thing I could have possibly been suspended over was a flawed automated system. The most you can say I’m guilty of is watching Netflix on one of my three monitors until the Bunker burned or alliance tried to contest. I promptly rotated bunkers and made my way to Vann every single time. It’s not my fault that by design defenders in AV have a relatively dull role in the majority of games. I was even actively blocking the doorway with rank 1 consecration on CD and stealth googles.

Every Ban is handed out by a GM. There is no automated ban. Best you can do is keep appealing until they tell you to stop


If you received an 8 day suspension, it wasn’t your first offence.


You’re right I got banned for using honorbuddy 5ish~ years ago, I have not received any infractions since then.

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Also it has been said a few times this will only happen if you have a pattern of being afk in a BG. So has to be more then once, If just once they will not action you.


The blues have said many times all bans and appeals are handled by a live person. So whatever you were doing they determined it was ban worthy.


To be frank, the CS forum isn’t really a debate area, let alone trying to start something with others here as the blues here have nothing to do with appeals and trying to start fights in the most heavily watch forum is a bad idea.



The very last thing Blizzard wan’ts to do is apply account penalties. It’s always done after review and investigation. Yes mistakes are made, which is why there is an appeals process (which is not a way to plead your case, it’s just a request for a new set of eyes to go over the evidence). However a false positive is not an indication of automation.

This very topic came up a week or so ago, on this forum. Blizzard’s response to that has been echo’d in this thread.


Nonparticipation in BGs is NEVER safe.

We can see how much damage you did and how much healing.
We can see how many of your realmmates have reported you as not participating.

Those two factors together, it will catch up.

False positives are rare - but possible. That is why we have a means to appeal to have a case reviewed. That is done only through the ticket system.


Obviously non participation in bgs isn’t a good idea but if Alliance never come to contest the bunker and the BG is over before you can even make it to Vann then how is the BG design the responsibility of the players?

The obvious answer is glaring, your team is not putting enough effort into reviewing to make sure situations like mine don’t happen. Any response past that is inexcusable.

The blues here has nothing to do with the appeal system, let alone anyone that handle account actions. Telling Orlyia how something should be handle isn’t going to change anything, let alone change your account action.


Your fellow players may consider that as non-participation because you aren’t following the plan the rest of the group are doing. In their opinion you aren’t participating because you aren’t contributing to what the rest of the group is doing.


You might want to stop right there.


Except that the players you were with felt that it was not participating. In multiple battlegrounds.

That’s your opinion. You are entitled to it. Just like the players that reported you are entitled to theirs.


That would be odd considering defending towers is a part of the gameplay. However, I can see it being a problem if you just sit in towers that remain uncontested and then end up doing little to no damage or healing. At that point I can understand you being actioned because your teammates are doing all the dirty work while you take the path of least resistance and don’t pull your weight.


So just leave every tower empty every game because defending them if the enemy doesn’t attempt to back cap will result in a ban?

Sitting at a spot and not actively participating is considered AFK. You’ve had to have been removed from battlegrounds on several occasions in order for this to get flagged for an account action, so you knew that people were reporting you AFK too.

Okay. Unfortunately that the main objective (and the one the majority of the group is going for). If you feel that should be changed, you’re welcome to post your suggestions in the Battlegrounds forum or in the General discussion forum.

It’s not intended for you to AFK at a spot that’s not being attacked in several BGs.