Is it even worth it to play AV? We win a lot as Horde but most of my games boil down to standing around in SHB spamming consecration on the door until the bunkers break. Rarely alliance will come and attempt to contest. The majority of the games are over before we can rotate to Van after taking the first bunker. A few people in my leveling guild mentioned Blizzard handing out bans. The nature of AV has me concerned, I’m worried I’m going to lose this entire grind trying to catchup because I played the game and defend bunkers until they burn.
I’ve defended plenty of bunkers and have never been suspended. I’ve also seen plenty of people who truly AFK in the bunkers and just stand there (without being CCed) while they’re getting taken back.
Defending is not AFK…
AFK is the guy looking to be there and avoids all the content of the map, and anything to do with anything.
If you are there actively defending the node from alliance players you are not AFK and doing well for the horde. Mind you I am now playing Alliance and teaching them better how to scorched earth Zug the map.
I get that, there are just games where I do zero damage or healing because the alliance never try to back cap and vanns dead before we can rotate
There is nothing that will make you safe from a mob… If one player doesn’t like they way you play your toon in a battleground expect them to do a call out then a mass report…, The system then emotionlessly removes you from the server for a temporary period of time.
Safer to go offensively to prevent that type of unwarranted retaliation…
just move around in the bunker if you are defending it, multiple time i’ve defended bunkers and all i did was refresh magma totem in the stairs to persuade stealth classes from coming in.
I usually go SHB or IWB because someone has to. Occasionally 30 plus braindead people just ride to Van to AFK instead of, you know, capturing bunkers which is what makes up quite a bit of honor. Never been an issue for me. I flare the door and drop frost trap a few times.
Just dont be afk. Its just that easy.
I’ve never heard anyone credibly say they were banned when they weren’t afking. I’ve heard of several people including myself catch 8 day bans, which doesn seem a little harsh for AV afking… but I won’t argue I was guilty and none of the people I’ve talked to have either.
Most AVs I go to IBT and sit there until it burns. Sometimes Horde try to take it back, but often we just sit there waiting on timers. I’ve never once been suspended for doing this.
Is fishing a bannable offense ?
What about farming rams or yetis in the caves ?
Yep suspended
I stood in the doorway using consecration to stop stealths and defended everytime someone came in but I just got suspended. Glad to know playing the game is against the TOS now, even more fun knowing blizzard doesn’t have a customer face anymore so now I’m gonna login to days worth of play time stripped and lose a week worth of time/progress.
The lesson to learn here is don’t defend bunkers, just run to vann and afk staring at him like everyone else while recaps take all the bunkers back and your team loses because it can’t pull.
I hate what they’ve done with this company, they need to reinstate customer reps
Sadly the accountants run things now. And the focus has shifted from making great games (and as a consequence of that they make money) into a souless corporation that only cares about making money (and as a consequence occasionally vomits out a game). There’s a reason they’re like 2 for their last like 8 games.
Not sure how classic rolls here…but in retail for WG its a 50/50 chance of ticking off people lol.
I ahve fished last 2 minutes of a retail no win scenario. 0/24 rides… 2 minutes…yeah this match is done.
Me and the others side member doing the same thing waving at each other even lol.
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