PVP achievements and titles that are respected?

Thanks, saving this.


Is it a bit? Is there really a person this bullheaded

Watch the interview profligate

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it’s the same guy’s mmr man

the screenshot legit shows him winning a game at 2900, and then not qing for a month, and gaining 125 mmr

u don’t gain 130 mmr a win in this game not that u’d know


it depends on the team you beat. duh.

no it doesn’t “depend on the team u beat”

this is what the last line of my last post was for, get someone to read it to you


falls into the book definition of “rare” but ignores the intricacy of ‘shadowlands is trash so no one plays it’, making it less rare and more unsought- where as a ton of people played in bc and wotlk

mmr doesnt depend on the team you beat? okay.

Do you have a friend in your life


ya man getting almost 200mmr off a team here

dude the mmr in the screenshot is his team’s mmr not the other team LOL

is your iq that low that you think it’s possible to go up 120 + mmr from 1 win?

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sorry forgot to put quotes around the idiotic part that u said to me, fixed it now

u show me a singular example of 130 mmr gained off of a win and i’ll concede, otherwise i’ll show u me beating a team 500 mmr higher than me and not gaining 130.

if you sit rating, if you take a break, you do not get the benefit as per Linxy.

That’s from April
Holinka interview is from June
Do you not have a friend that can read fluxs post to you


you think they revamped the game plan in 2 months. okay.

I think linxy is a community manager and holinka is a department lead

I think June is more recent than April

I think you need to find someone on your btag that you trust to be honest with you and have them catch you up on this thread asap

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sure. where is the holinka audio this? i will 100% revise my posisiont and admit covlol has 2 brain cells if holinka is saying what you think he is.

i don’t get what you’re arguing for here

the post never said you don’t get mmr gain if you sat rating, it just said you get less benefit than those who decide to keep playing


You know you could get attention and engagement from your peers in this hobby without doing this man. You could just tolerate being less than perfectly informed about every level of everything with absolutely no research. You don’t have to do this to have company

It is the only wowhead URL in this thread. Scroll a few posts up to where you ignored it earlier

nothing is popping up, and the highlight and summary mentions nothing about this.