i’m asking for a friend, but what pvp achievements and titles are considered respectable now in WoW? Me personally, I respect anyone who has merciless glad or wrathful glad titles and achievements cause those are SUPER OG and some would say very rare. Achievements and titles that I consider sketchy or really not worth anything are Glad titles earned during BFA or Shadowlands because those were the expansions when Gladiator title went from being percent based to a flat 2400 PLUS 50 wins and lost all of it’s prestige. To this day, I still don’t understand why Blizzard did this. Again, just asking for a friend.
Have you ever even had one
Ah yes, when people barely knew how to play the game and titles were win traded for or earned on bad battle groups. Way more prestigious.
This seasons glad mount is literally more rare then half of the wrath and bc gladiator mounts currently. We’ll see what happens in the next couple weeks of the season left but I dont think its going to inflate a crazy amount.
Kind of crazy that there are twice as many vengeful/brutal drakes as cosmic.
games dead
Nice try Dozer, your sentence structure and poor typing skills are a dead give away. May as well of posted 100 emoji’s too.
A glad is a glad, an R1 is an R1, etc. in my eyes. I’m not going to try to drag people down. Riding a Glad drake from any season is cool, having an R1 title above your head in any season took a lot of work and team synergy, even on easier battle groups.
Some dude gets his first 1800 and xmogs his/her elite set, good for them. Two friends who suck get 1400 together so they can do random BGs more comfortably, good for them, etc.
Dozer? If so, shut up
ooof it is dozer thats awkward
r1 titles before this expac
When I go out to durotar there’s always like 10 people riding around on the tbc glad mounts
Glads on the current tier mythic mount have the scariest friends.
love the mythic raiders that have access to ret/war or mage/lock when the season ends
on a gladiator level shadowlands HEAVILY rewards players that know how to deal damage over players that are mechanically good at the game
None. only toxic idiots who do nothing in life but spend time on this game care about achievements. The others know that there is busted stuff every season and skill outside of the very top players is usually based around the meta and what they are cheesing that season.
The point of the game is to have fun. The titles and mounts and stuff are a bonus. If youre having fun, who cares. Most of the toxic people are sitting around 1800-2200 for a reason even when playing a perfect fotm comp all the time. Meanwhile some of the nicest people I have met are multi glads/R1s or lower than 1800. You can respect whoever you want, but there are always people saying others’ achievements dont matter.
Vendor S4 pve weapons will be interesting at lower tiers of play being easily bought Heroic versions.
No one cares about what achievements you have, all that matters is you’re happy with yourself
You’ll be miserable if you care about what other people think of your achievements positive or negative
Do things for yourself only
It’s also the best way to get achievements you want anyways if all you’re focused on is your own improvement and not what other people think of you for some reason
depends who you ask. i have lower rated people go “you’re high rated bro” but i’m only a duelist. Which i guess is high to some people but there are also people way higher.
it comes down to the value that you put in to your own achievements and the goals you set.
Cap. But I need 10 characters to post so I needed to type more but cap is just the message.
i don’t get this logic
just because it’s rarer due to garbage season and no one plays doesn’t make it more respected