Purchased 8 character server transfer and can't use it

The system normally should have provided you with a reason, but it seems it is not working the way it is supposed to. It’s an easy thing to miss, especially with other weird things happening. :slight_smile:


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Yeah I know, I read it. I’m venting my frustration that I found out after the purchase.


Yep, they’re not even posting about this on their twitter.

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We generally do not proactively message about character service issues unless the entire system is down.

If you were to send a Tweet to BlizzardCS though, we would tell you that it is a known issue that is being worked on. I’m trying to find an update on the outstanding issues and will try to provide an update as soon as I can.


I get it Tovi, I wanted to get my xfers done with…they refunded mine right away, but also said if I made a purchase now I could use it later at the sale price [if Im understanding right]. It just sounds like we all need to be a little patience while they work out this rp glitch. :confused:

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I bought an 8 character transfer bundle. The tokens appeared in my character window as normal, and I was able to select characters to transfer and where to transfer them to. After that, nothing. I tried to transfer 2 of my characters (ONE of which was in a guild that transferred not long ago). It consumed 2 of my 8 tokens, leaving me with 6. Neither of them went through.

I /gquit on the character that was in the guild that transferred and did not tick the box for following the guild, but still tried to go to the realm they transferred to. Trying to circumvent the bug, if I could. The other character I tried to transfer was not in the guild that transferred and was from a different realm entirely, but still did not work.

I’m going to close this topic since the original issue reported has been resolved. Using a single topic to report multiple different issues can become problematic.

If you’re are experiencing an issue that is not listed in the Known Issues topic stickied at the top of this forum, please check other recent topics for reports that match your issue. If you do not find an existing topic, please feel free to create a new one.