No one cares.
License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:
Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:
- cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
Yeah, it is not a bug. It was a mechanism that they failed to implement. Go sit down. Cry some more, no one cares.
Snitches get stitches.
Exploiters get banned.
I report stuff all the time. What are you gonna do about it?
Go away. Also edit less.
I added the ToS so cheaters can go cry because they’re getting banned.
You’re wrong.
Blizzard banned people for level exploiting in Retail. Retail. The place where leveling is that thing you do over the weekend. Why did they do it? Because the way to exploit leveling was so convoluted that there was no way to explain away that you accidentally did it. They also banned people for exploiting a world quest in legion, which technically had more impact as it impacted Artifact level, but honestly in the grand scheme of game design was not exactly game-breaking for some people to have an extra level or two. As far as HMGT goes we know how heroic lockouts work, no one can argue “Oh well I thought HMGT was unique” let alone the fact that this is Classic so we can read up ahead of time on how everything works.
Not sure if Blizzard will ban, they have been inconsistent about stuff like this, but don’t come complaining to us if they do ban your guild for doing it. The point of banning people for this kind of behavior isn’t really about what they got out of it, but giving people an understanding that doing something they know is not intended has consequences. If they don’t ban then it sends a message to do it the next time it becomes available. And that’s the point, you don’t really want players trying to guess what will or won’t be actioned, otherwise you just encourage people to exploit whenever the opportunity arises because you don’t know what will or won’t be actioned.
Everyone that abused it knows you are supposed to only do one heroic lock out per day and should be punished. It’s a no brainer.
It’s a no brainer.
Cheaters are the stupidest breed on earth. Not surprised they be like that.
I’m not siding with cheaters but good luck if you ever think that any action will be done by blizzard, the best they can do is to say “We suspend them” just to make you happy when no one is actually got any punishment.
plus as some already said, it require work by blizzard to do this, we’re talking about the company that doesn’t even bother to ban bots.
but good luck if you ever think that any action will be done by blizzard, the best they can do is to say “We suspend them” just to make you happy when no one is actually got any punishment.
Not sure if you are living under a rock but they did ban for things like that. Repetitive abuse of an unintended item / powergain, which in fact is the case here. They done it in legion with artifact power worldquest, they done it in bfa with exp potion exploit and they done it in tbc with orgrila exploit. They will do it once again with this one here too.
Also they do ban bots, especially ah bots. I got rid of some by reporting them daily. While that doesnt help, it helps when others do it too. For this matter however they will investigate themself and action will be taken sooner or later. People should stop living under a rock and look at history.
there is a difference between “they said that they did ban abusers” or “they actually ban them”
-to you from your prospective point, you simply believe what blizzard says.
-to me from my own point of view knowing hundreds of abusers in 16years of playing wow, Not a single one of them got any ban, not even 1day of suspend.
and since you’re not knowledgeable, ah bots never keep botting for same char for more than 2~3days, to make you believe that they stopped, and real bots on the world are still there everyday, get out of your closed box and you’ll see tons of them at their daily spots.
anyway No one is getting any punishment for mgt hc spam, even if blizzard posted later that they suspended them, that would be only to gain trust.
You smelling some toast?
Running the same heroic dungeon twice a day will now label you has a war criminal.
Should happen: won’t.
There’s a reason the motto with Blizzard is “Exploit early, exploit often.” Nobody is going to be punished for it even though they definitely should be.
Blizzard first started a 15 min restarts today (Wedneday) and will do live maintenance until 10AM PDT.
This is when they remove the rewards obtained by exploiting MgT Heroic and then issue the suspensions.
Servers back up and no one suspended. Wake up, kid youre dreaming .