
I’d be pretty sad if they disabled signatures in instanced content.

Soulshape is literally the only redeeming factor of Covenants for Warlocks. Without it, all we have is a crappy DoT that is basically only useful for the huge amount of Mastery we get from our Soulbinds when we use it.

I don’t want to go back to being a wheelchair class. I’ve already made too much fun of too many people for being slower than a Warlock.


Tyfys op

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Disc priest is unplayable in pvp without Mind Games but Night fae is their best raiding covenant.

Imagine a world they could excel at two forms of content instead of being kneecapped.


True. Between Blizzard refusing to #PulltheRipcord and free us from covenants we hate but need for mechanics, combined with how Warriors are hot garbage (2 in my guild are rerolling to other classes, but I love my main, if I can’t enjoy it, I’ll just quit), and Castle Nathria being one of the worst raids I’ve played in years… I have no plans to re-up my sub when it runs out in a month.

I’m not giving Blizzard money to bash my head on this and not have fun. There’s so much wrong, and they haven’t even fixed any of it.


Switched covenants as fire mage and now I’m doing double DPS so … . lol?

i gave SL a chance, but doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result hasn’t worked

While I agree with most of your sentiment here; warriors need attention and covenants need more flexibility, absolutely, I’m wondering why you dislike CN so much? More of a curiosity thing, since I’ve mostly been enjoying the raid.

Pull the Ripcord. It’s time.

You said, “lets wait and let the masses get ahold of the content and play through it.” That resulted in a massive dungeon tuning change this week because, surprise, it was overtuned for the average player.

I’m considering leveling a second monk just to try out the kyrian ability.

This isn’t fun anymore. And yes, I want to stick with my chosen covenant for story and aesthetic purposes. I want to willingly lock myself into a story choice. Just not at the cost of my player power and how well I can support the rest of my group.


I wish they would #PULLTHE DEVELOPERS that are responsible for the classes being so messed up and this game being so bad, especially the developers who think its ok not to respond to paying customers who want simple questions answered like if they intend to fix the classes they over tuned or NERFED into a garbage class like warlocks and Havoc Demon hunters. So far not a peep, their silence says it all nj how they view their customer


And this is exactly what we all have been asking for since Timba made this thread during the Beta.

Let us enjoy both our rp/aesthetics desire and our game play desire . Don’t make us have to pick one or the other. Having to do so is not meaningful choice and feels more like a form of punishment.


Making them talents would remove a lot of the “magnitude” of the covenant choice. When you join each covenant they make a big deal roleplay wise out of granting you your new covenant abilities. Blizzard was clearly trying to make a narrative like “you join X, and you’ll get amazing power Y.”

Making those abilities as talents was clearly not in their vision, based on the quest dialogue and story narrative.

The thing is by them tying the abilities to the covenants we have the current issues.

Players should not be forced to choose between do you want to rp or do you want to enjoy game play . Also it was the buffs and nerfs in beta that in fact created the current covenant metas. Now separating the abilities would not of made the current abilities nott the meta but it would given players the option to use said abilities with the covenant that speaks with them aesthetically .

Another thing is pulling the ripcord would of lessen current balance issues and also would of done less damage to BLizz’s systems then they have done to them , themselves.

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If they allowed us to pick one of the four the same thing could have happened and nothing would’ve changed in terms of those big rp scenes.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just telling you their reasoning behind the decision to not make them easily switchable talents.

Also their reasoning is why I find it unlikely they will pull the ripcord at this point, as it would mean acknowledging a big failure in design, and scrapping a part of the initial covenant campaign story.

Thing is the powers really don’t tie into the story out side of them giving them to you while leveling once you join the covenant you get them .

Leaving them tied to the leveling story is fine and makes sense. But they can be earned as only can be used in the covenants zone while leveling but then put into a level 60 talent pool to pick from along with the others when 60 is reached.

There are ways they could of tied the abilities to their respective covenants still like having different spell ranks like some regular ones do base on character level but instead used rep with the different covenants. THey could of made all the abilities work with the different covenants through the various soul binds via conduits.

THere are a lot of ways all of this could of been accomplished and stuff like this was brought to them during the beta.

Finally with them having a problem admitting failure or should I say mistakes they have the tendency to repeat pretty much variations of the same ones over and over. THere is no shame in admitting you are wrong and then trying to fix what ever but there is in self denial of the problems existing especially when presented to you and that is where the problem with Blizz lies .

#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, and while you’re at it get rid of the target cap and conduit energy.


Just came in to say each day more and more are joining our ranks




Someone can say pulltheripcord…

I’d go to balance abilities… but since we talking about blizz…
I’d guess pull the rip cord is the best thing to be made.

(but if they were able to balance something… would be good to see things balanced but the way it is now)

Problem is , they have never been able to balance . They either do small buffs that really don’t improve the classes /specs that are lacking or they nerf the ones that are performing to the point that all classes/specs suck.

None of the player power should of been part of the covenants. At the least they should of done is separated the covenant class abilities from them and in spite of what Ion said about it would unravel the covenants which is utter bs , it could of easily been done.

All it would of needed was a conduit that could of been put into a players chosen covenant soul binds. Just one conduit would of been all that would of been needed .


Honestly it’s not even about it being a “Blizzard” issue. Blizzard can’t balance this because it is basically impossible to balance as designed. Fundamentally that occurs because the current system requires balancing classes, specs, talents, covenants, soulbinds, and conduits across PVP, M+, and Raids.

I can’t fault Blizzard for failing in that. It’s unreasonable. I fault Blizzard for not listening to everyone saying they can’t - I fault Ion for his comments regarding making choices and accepting not being as good - and I fault every person involved in the decision making process that led to this dumpster fire.

Pull the ripcord.

Few people like borrowed power systems but almost no one likes the idea of tying aesthetic choices to player power. It’s was a bad joke when people said the right transmog is an x% DPS increase. You literally made a bad joke into an aspect of the game.