
ripcord for warchief patch 9.1

Make WoW Great Again


“Just balance the abilities” is a shortsighted platitude and ignores the fact that even if numbers were perfectly tuned, some abilities would just be outright better.

Warlock’s NF v Kyrian abilities are a good example of this, with both of them being extremely close on paper.

But the Kyrian ability is significantly more difficult to use, has less applications outside a pure ST situation and comes with a worse Covenant ability with Soulshape being magnitudes better than Phial.

Ion should have known better than anyone that what they wanted to do was impossible.

After all, he got hired purely because of how good he was at theorycrafting. Understanding the concept of X ability being better than Y even though they do the same damage on paper should have been obvious to him.


laughed at the latest preach video where they went over the raider. io statistics.


“Casuals will just pick whatever they want”

*Casuals overwhelmingly pick whatever the theorycrafters say is best *


RIP Sonichu and Ralph, you guys aren’t as popular as the elitist 1% min-maxing tryhards.


NOt to mention, some covenant abilities are AoE and ST.

Warlock’s Venthyr skill is AoE, so its damage can never be upped to compete on ST or else it’d be the go-to choice period.

Meanwhile, it’s so weak right now it’s mathematically -NEVER- worth casting, even with like 8 targets.

I think they’re the only class/covenant combo where it’s never worth casting.


Which is a shame, because I personally really liked Venthyr. But the numbers just aren’t there.

But because Night Fae are the entire package, OP Soulbinds, OP Covenant ability and the best class ability for Warlocks (or at least close enough), there’s no reason to pick anything else.


Or maybe players don’t like your advice to pick the worst everythiing and then don’t play at all because they’ll never get accepted in any group, and only other screw ups who took your advice would join any groups they started.

Did the elitist jerks of the game pay you off to give such bad advice it will end up making marginal players quit when they realized you tricked them into making an unrecoverable mistake?

Did you respond to the right person chief?

I don’t think I’ve ever advocated for picking bad Covenants.


Poor guys, they were so confident the elitists were the 1% who were the only people who’d pick for power. How the turntables…


dont know what your talking about, pretty sure i saw a venthyr boomy so far this xpac

NO one advised any one to pick the worst . They said we don’t care because we will still get picked anyways because it won’t matter.

They were wrong and so were a lot of people and now so many more are now going the player power should of never been tied to the covenants and tha tthey should of been aesthetics only.


I was thinking about the covenant abilities, and I realized something. We had something exactly like it in the game once before. It was removed, because it was impossible to balance. Symbiosis. So Blizzard is having to learn the exact same lesson again.

Hey we can lead Blizz to knowledge but we can’t make them think .

super fun ability but took an entire xpac before its removal. hopefully we can at least swap freely before this dumb system is canned…

One time at work I had gass. There was this very proper Chinese man I worked with. After watching uncles so many times, I said wth. I asked this dude to pull my finger. He did, and like clockwork, it worked. Everyo e was dying with laughter, especially the puller.

The # is basically the internet version of a picket sign. #TheMoreYouKnow etc etc.

Man that’s crazy…I only wish there was someone with years of experience with the community or in gaming in general who could’ve called this


By the way. Its too late to pull the rip cord. This isn’t life or death, well at least not by much.

No-one except literally everyone outside Blizzard could have seen this coming.


It’s nigh on unfixable at this point. Any major kershuffling of the covenants would gut the expansion outright. Even just buffing the others…there’s no way to carry this into another patch.

It’s at a WoD/BfA moment. Can they do anything, realistically, to even put enough spackle/bondo to keep it going or are they going to have to pull another AHOD, throwing the rest of this one out (drop a the next raid, turn off all the annoyances keeping people from at least logging on a playing some part of the game, etc.), and figure out how to get the borrowed power systems to not be the game centerpieces?..even pulling in a fallback system, like how they tried with essences in BfA…

If they had made actual content, outside of cranking system levers, there might be something there.

But that’s why I’m convinced this is another WoD moment: there was never a plan for content beyond setting up more systems and their levers…while standing in your covenant lobby waiting for a queue to pop.