
Just your friendly daily reminder.



Thanks, I stole the joke myself.

People discovering today from Preach’ latest video that emissarys have you defending other covenants zones.


Meaningful story related choice!




Even WoWhead thinks that Covenants are a glorified talent row, with how they’ve updated the new talent calculator.


Came across this comment. Is this true guys ?? 4k+ replies seems a lot for just 10 people.

We have a lot of alts and type fast.


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haha, I had not looked at this before but it does list the top responders at the start of the thread. the top 10 posters do account for 2,498 of the posts at the time of me typing this. i guess that guy was pretty close.

I mean, you can look for yourself, the top posters are at the top

418 From Zuldumar
333 from Timba
297 from Sonechka
276 from Froom
258 from Zhanli
240 from Turnberry
231 from Zoumz
224 from Serkonius
111 from Nippyss
110 from Grymes

2498 post from 10 people, this thread is a legit echo chamber

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Anti pull the rip cord

Anti pull the rip cord

A lot of posts are also replies back and forth

And? that’s still leaves half the posts in here from 8 people.

The beta thread is better, it actually has like 4k likes on it.


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Instead they announced they are dropping slands in 2 months while DH’s on the ptr literally do not have faces.

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What? That was fixed already, just double checked, all the faces show up just fine with tattoos (which was the issue)

The oiled allied race bug is fixed too

Sorry, what’s your point here? It’s about keeping the hashtag at the top of the forums. Just because it’s not another who’s your favorite forum poster thread doesn’t mean we’re banned from discussing among ourselves.

Thanks for your contribution #PullTheRipcord


I mean, i don’t care either way, they can do what they want /shrug.

I’m not changing mine regardless.


Just continuing support


Bless you, #PullTheRipcord


Not too many people probably look at this thread here because of the title. It doesn’t reference covenants at all. I figured out it was related to that because I clicked it random. Try changing the title and see if that helps.

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I dunno about echo chamber, I had some really good back and forth conversations with Sonechka and Zuldumar. A few others as well that I can’t recall the names of. I don’t think anyone in here is trying to stamp out anti pull the rip cord either. I’ve found it interesting arguing my points and trying to counter theirs. This thread has been more fun than the game right now tbh.

Mostly stopped replying because there hasn’t been as many anti ripcord posts here. It’s not really as interesting if there are no arguments to try to counter.

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Wow is that true?

I can’t believe it…what is happening to this game? I mean doesn’t anyone sit down and say does this make sense? :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging: