It’s like he went ok we know what is good for each class and spec so we will already have our picks for raids. As for the peasants who cares . We’ll give the erpers this story that their rp choice is meaning full so they will leave us and those like us alone and attack the people they think are elitist
Name five abilities from MoP, any class of your choice, that were bloat and had zero niche use and were justifiably cut.
I can tell you now that disarm traps wasn’t one of them.
The older devs had to prune. Pruning is unavoidable but in the process what they did was they left alone some mechanic that worked and made it baseline.
Imagine if they actually put a lot of artifact traits and talents baseline. That would have given classes a solid footing. Then borrowed power is just an addon which is far easier to manage.
Right now they are using borrowed power to fill gaps and to augment which is a hard balancing act.
Sorry I didn’t play Mop. I will have to check it out.
I’m still mad we lost Fel Flame, but somehow Unending Breath still exists.
Very little abilities were bloat, basically.
Imagine if glide was removed despite being a signature DH thing and being completely passive on the grounds of taking a spellbook slot and not having any dps impact.
The removal of glyphs also impacted class design. Some of it was baselined but a lot of it was stripped out of the game.
Loss of guaranteed gem slots and enchants also impacted classes. Reforging also being gone had an impact.
Giving back player agency is very important which is why enchants returning in the upcoming expansion is good.
I see. I get what you are saying. I would be pretty pissed off if they remove glide
My favorite lie which is probably the biggest one Ion has ever told is that apparently nobody could find PVP vendors SO WE REMOVED THEM FOR LOOTBOXES.
Can’t look at the map, wowhead or just ask someone where it is, right?
ehh, Yes, that was indeed a very stupid thing he said, it’s quite embarrassing.
I think the best way to avoid bloat is a new talent tier every expansion with a mix of passives or actives. The actives would, hopefully, perform better, but if a player feels inundated with abilities they can choose a passive option.
People learned how to use WoWhead over BFA, so they’re putting them back in!
My favourite “Ion-ism” is when they removed Reforging back in MoP because they wanted to simply gearing, and then spent the entirety of Legion/BFA, making Raidbot go stonks.
BfA was definitely the worse offender on that front.
Pop quiz. Is this item almost 100 ilvls lower a downgrade?
No, you’re wrong and stupid for thinking that because it has Rank 3 Infinite Stars you dummy.
Bonus points if its a ring with the correct stats and a socket.
BFA gearing makes me so happy that our guild shelled out for a premium Raidbots account.
High priority, faster sims
You’re the problem! Ion is getting ROI on his raidbots investments and keeps doubling down on this garbage!
Well, technically one of our officers is.
I just mooch off it.
Bold of you to say that here, where Ion can see. Ban incoming for you and your guild officer soon. Then everyone hasto pay for their own account.
Didn’t help that the only argument against reforging was “I can’t be bothered to spend time and gold optimizing my forges!” as azerite comes in to humble them.
Ignoring how that’s just pure laziness, I might have been able to give the argument credibility in a perfect world where stats are balanced and titanforging didn’t exist, but lol.
On a related note, that recent news of them capping secondary stats bothers me a bit. They should revert the WoD nerf to primary stat if they want to make them more valuable, not nerf secondaries because they totally failed to balance it at all.