PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

I’m not here to earn respect. I’m here to discuss lore and share information that others might have missed and with any luck be shown information that I missed myself.

If you and Gantrithor and anyone else wants to intentionally poke people’s buttons for laughs, I have no need of the respect of people like that.

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Why is it that everyone else gets to make statements about me, but I’m never able to say it about them? Ironically I don’t see you calling out Amadis.


Because it’s his thread? what am I supposed to say to him? so he came into his own thread to talk about his topic that is important to him. About what, should I say something in such a case? Because he didn’t come to your thread to complain about his topic, he created his own thread.


If you think me finding no value in minor NPCs as pushing buttons, than I don’t know what to tell you. You flew off the handle on Gan about it


Call out the BS from both sides or don’t do it at all. Tired of this one sided favoritism by people like you

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12 mins ago

But you felt the need to quote only me and not amadis. Stop being a damn hypocrit

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For the reason I gave in your quote. It’s important that other opinions are allowed to be shared. You quoted my reply to someone asking why bother coming here just to share a conflicting opinion. That is the answer, because all opinions are important and you even go on to quote Micha saying something similar and claiming that is the only right answer.

There is no right answer in regards to whether insignificant minor characters are worth emotional value or not, just individual opinions.


i quoted you, because you said:

because this reason show your real self, you have the same victimcomplex as the night elves here , but call them as hyperbolic because they feel themselves as victims, like you, but call them out for it.

AND DROITE do the same thing…than see your own part in this “Toxic” discussion. because you, you are a wheel that keeps it going, too.

you want to stop this “who have it worse”…then stop bring it up yourself.

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No, for you in particular it was the following - and you did also edit away your half hearted “I wasn’t talking about you, I just meant in general” response after I responded to this, too:

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And I edited it away because it was a dumb comment, but if you’re going to harp on it, you do you

Just noting out that if you would prefer me to be a more respectable person calling me crazy isn’t the best way to get that behavior.

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I said the overreaction to the Darnassus npcs was a little crazy, not that you have some mental disorder dude. shrug But like I said, you do you. We value different things in game and this isn’t going to go anywhere, so it is what is

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I do have a mental disorder, though I suppose you might not have been here long enough to see that thread. As such, what I value is not being called crazy.

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You do understand that I am not a mind reader right?

Hence why I’m explaining it to you now. Of course you won’t know why I’m upset inherently. I am glad, though, that you don’t assume you know why, unlike others.

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That’s some serious mudslinging there. Claiming someone has a victim complex because they recognize that Night Elves don’t have it the worst isn’t good logic and is just insulting. Pretty much every race in WoW has been the victim of at least one genocide and I would argue that the Draenei have it the worst out of the playable races. I mean, if you’ve quested in Hellfire you have probably trampled the bodies of thousands of killed Draenei.

Listen, it appears we got off on the wrong foot here. And I do apologize if the crazy comment came off as insentive. I do apologize for that


Well thank you. I apologize as well for my hostility made out of anger.


I have a slight disability myself and I’m an emotional person, so I can understand how things can be misinterpreted. Hugs

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