PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

I never claimed otherwise shrug

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One might say she has a dog in that particular race. Or a race in that dog. :wink:


In response to what you just edited away: I am as capable as being angry as anyone else. Hippocracy specifically tends to get under my skin. For all your complains about low level Night Elf alt posters coming into any unrelated thread to complain about how bad Night Elves have it you are just as quick to come in and point out that Gilneans have had it bad for longer.

And likewise if you would not be angry at people saying Gilneas is irrelevant to the story since whatever happens with Gilneas would have no impact on how expansion stories have gone I would be angry for you.


I wouldn’t be angry of Lil Johnny the bread vendor was killed and than act like he was some sort of sentimental npc. That’s the difference between me and you


Then if anything I do indeed find more value in Gilnean NPCs than you do. For example, I completed the Restoration Druid Mage Tower quest despite that I have no talent for healing because I think Granny Marl is one of the greatest NPCs ever.

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Ahh, see, now this is a good thing. Rather than it being portrayed as the drip drip of a faucet into a bucket, its more of the building of a snowball. Not one tiny fraction at a time, but starting small and building on itself. Its not a lot but I am glad you guys are getting it. I truly do hope it continues. :smiley:

I mean, I still wish they’d have Teldrassil itself show up in the Ardenweald skybox as one of those swirling star trees, but I think saving the Night Elf souls has been great as it has been, yes.

I just find no value in NPCs I interacted with one time during questing. They are in fact, irrelevant overall. I miss Gilneas for all the missed opportunities that could’ve been done with such a cool looking city and how we were screwed out of the by far best looking cities in game when it came out.


You don’t care about the minor characters. Others do. Why continue to police what others value?

Night elf fans aren’t supposed to care about a genocide, but horde players get to be mad for participating in it? Do you get annoyed by Taurjo and Purge threads? Because no one important died there either.


I never said they couldn’t value them, just that I personally don’t see the point.

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Hmm … maybe down the the road?

I mean, Ardenweald has only just started to really stabilize as of the end of the Nightfey Campaign right? So, its at the point where its not at risk of further decline, but its not quite to the level of regrowth? So, who knows? You guys might get a lil baby Teld in the form of one of those big spirally trees at some point.

Then I would accuse your interaction with the Gilnean story as superficial as I accuse Gantrithor overall. Which isn’t to say you can’t interact with the story that way. That’s your choice, and everyone has different interests and things that intrigue them. And frankly, despite that I consider your take on the story to be shallow, why would it matter to you what I think?

But Quests and NPCs are the main way we interact with this game’s stories. If you don’t have in them and all you care about is the aesthetics of a city, well Gilneas City is still there in the game for you to enjoy, at least if you’re into RP I suppose.

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You continue to chime in with these strawmen. No one is saying people shouldn’t care about one time throwaway characters.

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I guess Gantrithor is a no one now.

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Once again, this discussion right now ends in bad blood…

I’m not sure where you read that people shouldn’t care about these characters, because that isn’t an example.

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren’t being intentionally misleading but you keep doing it so I don’t know anymore.

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Accuse me all you want. We all value different things in game. Sorry if I don’t shed tears for Johnny the bread vendor. You’re entitled to your extremely wrong opinion about me.


I’ll just have to keep that opinion then.

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That’s fine, I used to respect you, but since you’re so intent on eroding that respect, you do you


But here I have to say: This respect shows itself in a funny way, when your only incentive is to get into a discussion that even disturbs you, in order to then aggravate this discussion yourself with inciting and provocative statements.

Instead of simply saying:

If you already see this yourself…why discuss it further?

Why? Explain it pls to me, why it is important?

This statement…is the only right one.

Otherwise its again this “Who have it worse” attidute…

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