PSA: The Lost of Teldrassil

So, you are upset.


Also, nah.

I’m pretty sure you’re the one insulting others.

Case in point.




Also, yah.

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If you say so…


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I do say so. Said it several times already in fact.

You say a lot of things. Not all of which are fact. But whatevs.


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That’s true. Gave a lot of opinions about you, too. All of which I stand by still.

Sure. My position hasn’t changed either.


I wouldn’t expect you to.

Yes, Ardenweald is still recovering, though we have strengthened the Heart of the Forest, and on Sunday I’ll have all of the Anima Conductor points supported.

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I may be alone in this, but in response to the earlier comments I believe if Blizzard wanted to maximize shock value they’d do it by taking out prominent figures, not cities. And I don’t mean via heel turns (such as Garrosh and Sylvanas) or when the character is center to the danger presented (currently Tyrande, Anduin, Bolvar, etc).

While I understand some may feel an attachment to the NPCs in certain cities, I think overall you would see a wider group of fans reacting to the removal of a main character suddenly. As an example, if Thrall were to accompany us to the next raid and be killed by some boss, I think you’d see a lot of players upset that it was gratuitous, didn’t serve any plot purpose, and was aimed solely at shock value. Or if they killed off Buttons (“mrraazzz!”). I would rage if they killed off Buttons or Mraz (don’t judge me - I can be attached to the characters I want).

I really hope they don’t resort to that type of writing. I don’t want to see Blizzard emphasizing GoT-style shock value murders of characters. I just don’t think the destruction of cities is them embracing that style of storytelling (thankfully). It seems more of an escalation from prior events - such as destruction/capture of military bases, etc.

I do think though that sometimes, to emphasize the stakes, people have to die. Otherwise it seems like everyone is invincible. If the main NPCs can get into the riskiest situations and escape unscathed it really removes any feeling of danger for characters, and it also makes me wonder why they even need us. If Malfurion can just run in and solo a boss with no risk why bother asking us? Or can they only kill them if we are there soaking damage for them? Are we just an over glorified operation human/Orc/etc shield?

It’s bad enough my character is basically a murder hobo.

I’m jealous. I haven’t even started upgrading my stuff to the higher levels yet. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The point, because you do not seem to understand, are incapable of it or also do not want to understand:

Just because you tell someone that it is not so, this must not FEEL so!

You understand, FEEL! This has nothing to do with rationality!

Then why do people insist that night elf fans shouldn’t care?


Because if they admitted that, then they would have to admit that something has to be done about it (and that the ‘solutions’ presented or implemented so far either leave the problem largely unchanged or miss the point of the criticism), which they feel would act against their interests in some fashion.

That’s the best that I can work out.

Above anything else from the covenant I wanted this Soulshape form which was available from Anima Conductor Tier 3:

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Congrats on getting that Hugs. I’m going to concentrate on the Conservatory and max that first.

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I ended up getting that in the first week because the rare could still be damaged by AoEs. Using Combustion for hardcasting single target Flamestrikes was certainly a new experience for me. That got patched out somewhat quickly though. I think people tried switching to using turnip target dummies to melee-cleave off of it, but the damage intake was so atrocious that it wasn’t worth trying. Especially since hunters kept taunting the damn thing with their pets and leashing it.

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Yeah, I saw someone with it really early on, while I was using the Tiger Soulshape from Marasmius, and went “Oh, snap, I want that instead.”

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I’m assuming this is what you meant because it didn’t make sense how you wrote it, correct me if it’s not.

Again, you’re claiming that I’m telling people how to feel and that isn’t the case. I assume that you feel like that’s what I’m saying, so reread what you think said that and come back if you still have questions.

I haven’t seen anyone say that in this thread yet, feel free to point someone out for it if you want but you’re asking the wrong person. Why would I know why some hypothetical person or this unnamed person you’re referring to would think that?

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