PSA: How to ignore forum users

Screw name and shame. The dude who is edging people to ‘look’ for the name may or may not be connected to said individual and there is a fix for it thx to the OP.

I’m actually curious to everyone who does ignore. You got a list or like a sorta way you use it? How many mistakes, and so on does someone have to make. Or is it just they disagree with you ruthlessly about a subject, Not judging honestly curious i’m sure i’m on someones list lol.

Okay, but the mods aren’t doing anything. Even if this thread is not-so-subtly specifying which poster to ignore it’s still providing useful information. They could completely blur any character-identifying information from that screenshot and most of the regular forum crowd would understand the connotation.


People who have a valid argument to disagree with you usually keep it a casual topic. Those who know they are causing a flame war and purposefully do it to the point of it just being a nuisance will make it to ignore. Kinda simple really.

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Honestly, it kinda depends on my mood. Mostly it’s just people that I’ve gone enough rounds with that I feel are being intellectually dishonest so it useless to engage with them. A couple people came out of the gate swinging logical fallacies or insults so I just added them to the list in short order. Still only about 6 maybe 7 people on it. I’m pretty good at just tuning someone out/ignoring them on my own, but there were a couple posters that got under my skin enough that I decided I didn’t even want to see what they’ve typed.

Sometimes they show up when someone else quotes them though.

I don’t see that at all, people who are passionate about things normally aren’t casual. As it’s hard for most if not everyone to always keep there passions in check. As for flame wars? One, Those never happen anymore those stopped WAYYYYYY back in like 09 if i recall.

Two i mean well that’s just against the law around here so that makes sense, i was looking for a more in-depth answer honestly.

What if they’re just upfront about playing devils advocate or simply want to debate for better understanding. I understand the mood thing and Intellectually dishonest though to be fair it’s honestly not as black and white as people see. Since there’s so many factors one may add in. How much knowledge is expected, what facts can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt etc.

Logical fallacies are debatle for me, hah i heard that toss around a lot when people said classic wasn’t going to be a thing. Or how there was no one interested in playing RP-PVP servers, or how blizzard needs to address mega servers early so on so on. I do get your point on that regard though, and hindsight bias.

People who tend to insult unless it’s comedical, tongue in cheek or something tend to lose all high ground in an argument. I mean there’s a difference between calling someone a spoon-head, Or a snail loving moose. Then saying they’re a cave dwelling basement troll.

I never honestly ignored anyone on the fourms. If nothing else ignoring them normally means you lose the responses you get from them and they’re honestly sometimes funnier then the troll itself. So just ignoring trolls, unless you really dislike the message just seems a bit odd to me.

It’s a PSA on how to ignore people… nothing more

Except i gave him concrete evidence to one of his claims and his argument back was “nice photoshop” to which i took a gif not even a minute later and posted to which he claimed was also a photoshop and then slandered me as an account buyer / photoshopper and some other nonsense.

So i posted hard concrete proof and he returned with personal insults.

it’s not the same, this is a tutorial on how to ignore people with private accounts.

Thank you, this thread helped me ignore a lot of trolls posting here.

If they’re upfront about it then there usually no misunderstanding and I’ll approach it reasonably.

I specifically dislike someone throwing a straw-man at me or accusing me of holding opinions that I don’t. That’s an easy way to get under my skin.

Agreed. I am, unfortunately, not innocent of this but I’ve been making a concerted effort not to stoop to that level. Seeing someone call one that they disagree with “child” or the like irks me.

Enh, if they’re good enough someone else usually quotes them and I can just treat it like the greatest hits package.

ROFL. It took all day for someone who is on MY list to show up!

@OP thanks for the post :slight_smile:

So since everyone knows “rankonealt” is the same guy as lfg, there was a very similar topic back on the arena forums called “How to ignore a rank one” (title was that way to avoid a technical “call-out.”) Anyways it was hilarious and very highly upvoted like op here.

It’s funny Bloom, lfg, rdf x20 chose this as thier new trolling home after they hit the arena forums non stop for a year.

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does this work for the blizzard goodboys known as mvp posters? by far the most consistently abhorrent and low iq posters on the entire forums

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No OP didnt. The person I quoted was saying that it isn’t against the coc to name and shame and I just clarified that it is.

It works for community council members I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on green text.

Oh you mean, this one?

The comments are literal gold.


The irony is that I already had Charax blocked.

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Ah yes, no better way to start my day than reading the best forum thread ever. Bloomsday achieved greatness but in the opposite of how he thought LOL.

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Anyone who denies bloomy is a troll just needs to be referred to this thread.


Is this another alt of yours?

People misinterpret the “naming and shaming” policy all the time.

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