PSA: Don't purchase the new celestial transmog

Anyone falling for this purchase is a fool anyway, so I don’t really feel too bad when they get got.


I don’t regret buying the transmog set since I wanted the Celestial Steed anyway… I LOVE the transmog, but it also disappered from my account as well. It still says I purchased it, but it’s not in my appearances. I /reloaded several times, exited the game (and battlenet) fully and logged back in several times, and it’s still gone.

I don’t want a refund, I just want the set back for my mage! T.T


Why if you have tons of gold and nothing to spend it on?


Oh damn. I’m going to have to do some serious thinking about my life. Thank you.

IMHO this is the coolest xmog set they’ve ever released. The back has a cool orbiting star effect, the shoulders have a constellation effect, and the foot have an effect that puts stars on the ground.

If paid items were disappearing and not returning there’d be a class action lawsuit. If you’re that “never buy anything from blizzard” person that trolls the forums like a heartbroken incel then by all means, don’t buy. Everyone else enjoy your xmog.


Another fun thing about the set is that it causes some sort of UI error on the character select screen every time I log in. Started right after I bought it and the error mentions the shop. So that’s great :+1:

A fool and his money are soon parted.


Presumably, the deciding factor here is that the Eternal Traveler’s equipment is rewarded from a quest, and not the transaction.
That said, the other goodies like the hearthstone and weapon illusion (which are rewarded from the transaction) have never had problems, so I genuinely don’t know what’s actually happening.
Hell, I’m pretty sure the original store helmets didn’t have issues like this.

Tell me about it friend. Here’s another apt phrase: time is money.

You’re either paying for a game that you’d rather spend time complaining about than playing, or worse… you’re not subbed, and you’re spending your time trying to convince other folks not to play a game… vs I dunno, finding a game, or something in life you enjoy.

Tell me more about what makes a fool.

Maybe you don’t have $15 to play, and you’re bitter about it? I think we’d need a few months of counseling to figure this one out.


I laughed because this sounded like something someone who is anti-store appearances would say :laughing:
But thinking about it you may be onto something!
To solve the problem they could just unlock something on the guy who restores missing tabards in Org when you buy store mog.
An actual physical in game store where you go to pickup purchases and :open_mouth: :open_mouth: A way to buy the store mog in game with gold so you don’t have to convert it to BNet currency!
Brilliant Trustlvlfour!

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I am just another disgruntled ex-shill, upset at what the game has become, saddened by others who are like I once was who are blind to see it. You needn’t worry; in a few weeks you won’t have to deal with my “negativity” anymore. You can enjoy your great game and purchases in peace.


Counting down the days.

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It was working for me ALL day, but I went to test it out on a Night Elf, because I was debating what race to make a new priest with…

Well, now both that AND my Sprite Darter mog are gone, heck my 6th month sub Muloc babies are gone too…lol

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This has happened to me too. It was gone, then it came back. It was gone earlier, tried relogging, nothing. Put in a ticket. Logged back a couple of hours later, and it’s all back… What is going on? No response to the ticket yet.

You just end up wasting gold on trying to fix your mog. Why do we even have to pay gold to use store mog in the first place?


Yeah, heaven forbid someone purchase something that they like and think looks good. What a stupid comment to make.

How about you, “get got” and actually post something useful for a change.


Spitting truth right here.

Yeah, that’s what I was implying that… for whatever the reason, recieving it from the quest had made it work fine.

Honestly that’s a fair point, but I suppose there is a difference between a single helmet and a entire set.

My guess is that it has to do with how Transmog works and the appearances themselves. Something is causing the game to forget that players who have purchased said sets, have indeed met the requirements to have those appearances.

Thus causing them to disappear, but considering one reply on here have said it’s been a problem since MoP. I’d assume it’s more complicated or Blizzard is just ignoring said bug.

Thanks for the heads up. I had a guildie having issues with the Murloc backpack earlier today and they managed to solve it by also transmogging their shoulders. It doesn’t make sense that they should have to do that just to get the back piece to show up on their character.

Don’t even get me started on the quest That Darn Fox! which has apparently been bugged for over a year, I love collecting pets but the fact that I just can’t get this one to work is really disappointing.

It’s one of those annoying bugs that they struggle to reproduce. I’m sure it’s one they’d love to nuke asap if it was doable in a snap. From what I’ve seen of it though, the items always do show up again. But yeah, it sucks when it happens

I absolutely love the xmog, I hope they can fix it soon, I do want to enjoy it. The individual pieces make for interesting combinations when used with other xmogs pieces too.

I doubt it, this is something that directly impacts profit. It’s possibly something they still haven’t managed to pinpoint exactly.

I know you said you bought it with gold, but anyone who buys it with their CC can go dispute the charge. Possible that Blizzard will not accept that card in the future though.

Otherwise could try a report to the BBB for failure to deliver a product after purchase.