I don’t understand how this even happens, at all… but they better fix it! These are ADDITIONAL PURCHASES players are making! It looks bad when the stuff doesn’t work right.
Blizzard, please fix this! Don’t wait! Fix it now! NOW!
Friday I hardly saw anyone with that new transmog. Saturday evening on Stormrage server I was like ( this is why Blizzard will never go under). So many people running around with that set now. Thanks for the warning, hope the issues get fixed for those who are experiencing them.
Not ~entirely~ true… the weapon fx xmog does keep disappearing and have to keep removing and equipping the weapon again to have it show. Different disappearing issue.
Having 0 visibility into what they do, my best guess is that store purchases are stored in a separate database/service and connectivity to that db/service to verify whether a player purchased an item is failing, and the state of the transmog is reverted to “nope sorry bro” rather than “hmm, can’t tell if the player still has the mog and was refunded, but instead of yanking the appearance until we can verify later on, we’ll just leave the appearance in place until then like any sensible company would do”.
That’s really the only thing that would make sense to me. Sorry for the run-on sentence btw.
Tldr; Blizz probably coded things to default to “player can’t use this because we’re the grinch” if the WoW service can’t verify the purchase status of an existing mog
This is without knowing anything about their coding though.
This is the main reason I don’t buy mog items from the store. Not going to pay for a busted product that Blizz seems content to leave in a broken state (inb4 Shadowlands expansion jokes lol).
I think the only way this has a chance at getting resolved is for players to keep voicing their displeasure with this broken years-long bug instead of getting mad about it for a day and then forgetting about it until the next shop mog comes out.
When you jump to purchase something from the store after being shown the lack of effort they are putting into the game that you paid for and subscribe to, you absolutely deserve what the game has become and all the issues that come with it.
You can’t reason with him. He will die on the hill that Blizzard is doing us a favor by charging $15 a month for a faulty product and that they bless us with the presence of microtransactions.