Complete lack of store transmog

Like those bikinis or underwear (I don’t know what they are) those goblin women are wearing at Gallywix’s. Those things are super cute.

Fire, fire everywhere :fire: :fire:

Sounds like someone got addicted to buying cat girl lingerie from the FF14 store

Go away Bobby

skeleton crew , lack of effort , lack of ideas ,they pretty know think that any garbage like the cat mount will insta sell because hamsters are hamsters and theres nothing like the wheel for em.

The people who do that are the bullies in game who worked hard for their stuff and have no other sense of pride in their life and want to stand out in game.

It’s literally absolutely preposterous and inconceivable in their minds for people to get nice stuff without spending 79 hours a week to obtain it… because that’s their social life so it should be everyone’s.

Except they’re not. Most of them are terrible and look like level 51 starter sets. I realize that looks are subjective, but I haven’t used a current transmog in years just because the older stuff flat out looks better most of the time.

The only current one I’ve used is the one I purchased off the store (the celestial one with the floating stars). They need to put THAT level of work into the raid sets. 9.2 tier sets are for the most part just painted on garbage imho.

Why can’t we have a cloth robe set with detail like Tyrande’s? Instead, we get glorified floor length bath robes.

I support this :point_up_2:

If I could dec out my WoW hunters in similar outfits to my Diablo 3 demon hunter you’d never get me out of this game! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I bought the game with real money, and pay my sub with real money. I shouldn’t have to pay extra for mounts, pets, armor, etc.


I feel like you are me when sparkle pony came out. :rofl: You don’t have to pay extra for mounts, pets, armor, etc because you still get those items. Now if you want extra items you do have to pay more, just like you pay more for a CE vs normal. I draw the line when it stops at cosmetic items. So don’t want to see things like more bag or bank space put in there.

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Because every time they release a new mount there a certain segment of the forums will explode in outrage? Now image what it would be like if they started producing transmogs that you could only get thru the store.

How about they crack down on bots and boosts and then they can put more cosmetics in the store. Classic WoW is infested with bots, it’s disgusting

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why would i want to spend real money to make cool transmogs, ion an age when nfts are a thing, this should be the lowest thing on the totem pole, don’t give blizzard any ideas.

I can almost guarantee that Microsoft/Blizzard will double-down on store cosmetics (and other “collection” items) in the future.

Whether the majority of the player-base wants it or not.

You sound either like an employee or someone trying to get hired on. :joy:


Go play ESO if you want throw your money at cosmetics instead of earning them.


games should be fun , not feel like a second job .

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I had a solution along these lines

So it’s just a store in game with all the shop xmog on them but instead of cash or BlizzBux the items will have an equivalent gold value.

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Add back the dislike button

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No. Quit sucking up to Bobby. This is exactly what he would like us to want. Bad enough we already do this with mounts and pets, but the frequency at least is 3-4 times a year and often is packaged with an existing sub.

If this was a F2P game, then fine having a cosmetic store would be alright. But we pay to play this game and it should include cosmetics that you can obtain through the game or as a reward for having a sub.

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Because that crap destroys products and companies. To someones credit … on some level somewhere, they understand that. It’s a subscription game … mutated by tokens but still, a subscription game.

EDIT: and see you guys write … do you have no understanding that once you can buy it … it sucks value right out of it? I really want that to be a rhetorical question but honestly I can’t tell with some of these posts.

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