Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

I’m not sure. Someone actually complained about this a couple days ago in the CS forum (it’s a locked topic with “forum troll” in the title) and the blue there plainly stated that the use of multiple alts/accounts is “rare” and that forum perception is “skewed”.

Go tell blizz to restore my post history or something their crap forums are the ones deleting my posts against my will.

Why do you come into my threads to stir the pot? If you truly believed in anything you say, you wouldn’t keep bumping my thread, but clearly you enjoy what I have to say so you keep coming back :man_shrugging: :thinking:

This one.

I assume you are looking in the mirror and not insulting the fine forums goers tired of you?

I can definitely see that lol. Although, we could argue that many of the perspectives in GD are skewed in some way. It’s a little dysfunctional here

EDIT: More than a little :heart:

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“See, the guy claiming having sex with drunk people is rape, totally nuts. But this guy saying he’s masterminding a bunch of alts with the op? Fine forum goer”

You people are unhinged and sus as hell.

Ok, we have a poster here openly accusing people who disagree with them of being “pro-rape”. Can we lock this thread already?

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They don’t 404 inclusion threads like this for HR reasons. They’ll just remove the posts that involve that person lol

It’s a free forum, I remind you, like you did in mine asking for the end of this style of posting.

Also this is spam, the entire topic has been posted in separate threads by you all week. So why not?

Not derailing anything you said either T! Was addressing your friend when I came in, you know who said this:

Those were the takes I responded to, not you once. You agree with this mess put up here? You really needing support so bad that you will take it from a bad actor like this?

Happy Gaming T! I can’t wait for you to get a level so I can cheer for you!

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Because a few bad actors can’t control themselves? Please be reasonable here. My thread is to be a beacon of positivity for representation of all groups. But I can’t help those who are only here to place negativity.

Your efforts are appreciated for what it’s worth.

Says the one defending having sex with someone blackout drunk lmao.

WoW players definition of stuff will never cease to astound me.

I never flag but this one felt good. You are so sick.

You are now accusing me of this after your bad take? Man I wish this was not hiding behind avatars…

edit: not violence slander

Idk man. My wife and I have had tons of fun while drunk :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe you just are holding a grudge because you can’t perform while Sir Jack is in your system? They make medicine for that :heart:

EDIT: Although, I should add that I really don’t drink anymore

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I personally do not give a single flying fart what you think is an “acceptable amount of drinks” to have and “still be able to consent.”

If you have sex with someone knowingly under the influence and they report it to the police, you’re going to jail.

Nah you don’t drink in Monopoly.

You need to stop watching teen dramas. The real world is different.

Threat of violence noted.

Must mix well with your alcoholism.

I want a raccon hat.

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Threat of violence? Nah I was talking slander.

Since you like talking about my character so much!