Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

Notice the outrage bait ^

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Yeah I am cursed with this too. I remember all the bad posts…

There was one where a guy was going to sue over buying something of the black market by mistake. Or the one that the guy wanted free wow because he couldn’t afford that and netflix and his gf would dump him.

Those threads? Great trolls! These new ones just miss the mark for me.

Let’s at least get something right: their first posts were in Classic GD in a thread about LFD.

This whole “someone disagrees with me so they must be controlling armies of alts” conspiracy theory that runs rampant on the forums is Alex Jones level.

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Someone’s mad lmao.

Maybe take a breather bud instead of making insane conspiracy theories.

Also my posts have been bugged and getting deleted for some reason. I got a ticket open for that.

You people are legitimately paranoid.

Because I am a woman.

I am so tired of people like you claiming that I have no idea, that I am so weak I cannot do anything for myself. That’s why I am speaking out.

Kekw, report isn’t a down vote people.

lmao! :rofl:

If it were a drunk man bedded by a woman I’d call it rape idgaf what sex or gender you are.

1 thread about this a day if not multiple. Mods why can’t you just flag this down for spam the thread rate is enormous. Mercy.


Hmmm…who else have we seen use this exact same phrase? :thinking:


6 posts in and they ended up here. Notice how I said post(s) plural, meaning it didn’t have to be the absolute first. I can understand the misinterpretation through text, and we’ll call that my fault for not properly translating that fact :heart:

Also, I’m not saying that. But that begs the question. Are you the main?

Not really. You’re barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Dude you’re insane lmfao

Nah, I’m just tired of seeing that conspiracy theory pop up everywhere where more than one person disagrees with the popular opinion. It’s gone so far as to accuse people of running multiple bnet accounts. It’s silly.

Just stop.

You are making light of SA at this point, over reacting, and legitimately pure troll by this sentence.

You have no idea how the real world works which you keep making abundantly clear. Turn off your computer, go to a bar and share your takes and see how society feels about them, or even use one of those free legal sites to see that your definition is wrong.

Alcohol doesn’t not mean rape, which you keep stating over and over again. Get help, and get off the forums please, we have enough with the other rhetoric.

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Definitely a fair assessment :stuck_out_tongue: I wonder though, I suppose someone did it at least once for that to become a theme? I’ve only been here off and on throughout the years tbh

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… :thinking:

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Implying I would private my profile like a coward. I am offended.

This is funny. Yeah the OP I don’t like is totally my alt.

There’s not much to hide when 40% of your posts are in this thread :stuck_out_tongue: