Progressive advocate - more inclusion and diversity please!

Implying in the real world you get away with it?

You are sick.

This may relax you.

I feel like we shouldn’t be entertaining this nonsense. There is nothing to defend against here. They are being incredibly inappropriate.

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You’re right they really are.

I am done, hence the shark video.

I can’t believe Blizzard just won’t end it already.

What is even going on… I need the meta narrative!

Yeah I’m amazed the people under a lawsuite for sexually assaulting and harsssing women won’t come out and congratulate you for being brave enough to say that “not all sex with drunk people is rape, it’s more complicated than that”.

We have a new one Captain!
Starts as your normal T post.
It has now devolved from the OP to if you have sex while drinking it’s rape. And anyone who disagrees, myself included according to the new poster, needs jail time.

Because… reasons that have no basis in law?

TLDR for ya bud!

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Do you not read the law or?

Yes. Having sex with someone who is drunk, and cannot consent, is rape.

In a world where you can be literally anyone at any time, one brave soul chooses to be the parodical epitome of a defense attorney–fully clad in their suit of “noU” reflective armor. Will they make it out alive?

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Which is what I said all along, you said this:

You can consent under the influence, that’s what you failed to say in all your other posts…
We clarified it.

Level of intoxication all that factors in, but alcohol does not mean no consent can be given ever.

There’s a difference between diversity and inclusion. Blizzard seems to be a lot better with inclusiveness than diversity (hiring non-cis white people isn’t diverse, it’s inclusive).

You literally cannot consent while drunk, drugged, unconscious, etc.

The fact this is a hot take is friggin scary.


Then all sex that happens at bars is rape. The only part you have right is this:

Yeah you can’t consent if you are passed out. You can’t consent if you were drugged, all mitigating circumstances.

At what level do you think I’m referencing when I consistently say “drunk”?

It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for 'em


Wtf do you think alcohol is

While I understand both sides of this argument I have to say. Yes on one hand its possible to consent while drunk but on the other hand, how many actually remember consenting the following day?

I’ve heard some stories of drunken one nighters that the girl or guy regrets and in some not all but some cases the drunk party makes a false report and the other is sent away.

Just my 2c carry on.

You weren’t aware because :

You were so wrong its hard to fathom how you formulated your theory. :laughing:

Now here you start seeing some light:

…but you are still mad at Blizz. Yes, we get it. You can buy their product and be mad bud… its ok.

You have been educated. Say thank you and move on.

Man, this thread has gone