Priest Mana Issues?

And his issue wasn’t “rapture proc timing.” It was clearly the fact that their kill times were 2x what they would be for any normal group. I identified the problem and shared it, (by “doxxing his raid night” :rofl:)

I wasn’t rude… but I don’t feel like I should have to act like everyone is a fainting violet who might fall into a conniption fit if you act for a second like they’re not the most valuable member of the planet. Especially on a video game forum.

And not for nothing, the first response to me was

But somehow I’m the one being rude rofl?

I suspect some of yall are gonna have a real rough time in the real-world if you ever manage to make it out your front door

Why do you keep saying you weren’t rude when you clearly were? If someone asked you the same question face to face you wouldn’t respond like that, you only did here because you can hide behind your avatar. You’re an internet tough guy…



Dude has a weird definition of polite.

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I don’t think there’s a bug.
I’ve read you run with 16 ppl on a 25m Nax and on top of that dps were kinda undergeared.

That’s pretty much the problem.

Besides that Holy priest is a high skill healer and is gear dependant.
Try to go full int gems for naxx tier. We eventually move to haste gems on ulduar.

Soul preserver from Cos Normal is a must trinket → Create a weakaura to track the procs to get free CoH casts → This is a high mp5 item that’ll save you tons of mana and free high healing.

Jewelry owl trinket is another amazing trinket that we’ll use even into Ulduar → Another amazing mp5 trinket

Try to get those.

The build doing the highest amount of HPS is the one focusing in Renew - Pom - Coh maintaineance healing with PoH as a filler in the right situations (not a spam ability!).
Flash heal + CoH spamming will just get you oom in seconds and with no healing at all.

You can look at my logs if need some help figuring out rotations (I used to be named Baltassar on this char, just recently changed to Mantita) I have an avg of 98.8 parses top healer of my guild where we run good disc priest and Hpals.

https:// classic.warcraftlogs. com/character/us/eranikus/baltassar


Stop typing Bearhands. Thread’s over with Mantita’s very useful and tactful response.

I clearly wasnt, youre just overly sensitive.

I have debates with friends all the time where we’re much harsher with each other. But because we’re not delicate snowflakes no one gets their feelings hurt. I imagine a lot of yall are just not that used to interacting with real people so the first time anyone says anything to you that doesnt involve a pat on the back you fall all to pieces…

One day youre gonna leave your parents basement and discover the world isnt all pats on the back and participation trophies. And I truly worry for you when you do if THIS level of discourse is too much for you

Why? Are you gonna fall to pieces if I dont?

“SePhIroth” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Bro regresses further with every post

Just a couple more posts until we’re at yo mama jokes :joy:

What a weird thing to say. You ok?

You used that comeback already. Now you’re boring me. Back to work.

Well you never answered and Im still a little worried about your health. Is there someone close by you can check in with? Maybe one of the other Walmart cashiers?

Is OP running Disc or Holy rn?

Ha. Hey Pumps.

Yes, the Naxx raid was bad. I was there. It’s what happens when ppl don’t show up. When we DO have people online, we do a lot better.

In addition, since I was one of only 2 paladins, but tons of Shamans, I suspect a lack of Wisdom and range on mana totems?


And again, lol. I didnt mean to mock yalls raid running with 18 or not.

To the extent I was incredulous it was that someone would run a raid where clear times were clearly much longer than a normal raid, and then assume their mana issues were due to a bug when the obvious was right there…

In full BIS Id have issues on a 7 minute sapph, but I wouldnt immediately run to the forums after and declare mana regen is bugged because… thats obviously not the issue

What’s particularly amusing is… he just got mixed up. In his nerd-rage he got all confused and apparently thought I was the one going on about being a “top 200 raiderlol”

When the reality was… it was just the OP getting all defensive.

But I’M the a-hole right? :rofl:

You good bro?

sEpHiRoTh, stop with the sock puppet. It’s embarassing.

PLEASE deny it so I can embarrass you further. PLEASE

I got you dead to rights on this one Seph and you know it. How utterly pathatic

Boys! Be nice!

Oh no no no haha. He KNOWS I’ve got him. Turns out he’s been agreeing with himself on this sock puppet for literally YEARS. And he had the chutzpah to say this to me! While he was LITERALLY DOING EXACTLY THAT.

Check it out. “Skysword” had 30 posts before today.

And literally every. single. time. Sephiroth just happened to post one or two minutes earlier.

Come on Seph. Tell me it’s just one HECK of a coincidence. I dare you. Dating back 3 years you’ve been running this sock puppet agreeing with yourself? How completely and utterly sad.

Just gonna quote this one more time for emphasis because it’s just… @chef’s kiss@

Seriously thanks. This has been great. What an absolute clown

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

PS: I’d also like to remind you that sockpuppeting is against the TOS.