Priest Mana Issues?

Seem to be blowing through mana since patch dropped. Anyone else noticing this? Fully geared like everyone else running Naxx for the past 20 years. Not sure what’s going on. 10 or 25 man, noticed the same thing.

Holy is worse then disc is seems. Disc is business as usual, holy is pretty bad. There a change that was missed? Bug?

I noticed having to tap more on my Lock but could just be me since I haven’t played it in a few weeks.

TBH, and I say this with all due respect… its just you… It looks like your group just wasn’t that good last night… Yall wiped 6!! times in Naxx last night… in P2… I don’t know if I’ve EVER wiped 6 times in one Naxx run. So either yall were dragging along a whole lot of REALLY terrible/undergeared players… or your group just isn’t very good. :man_shrugging:

I mean FFS. Yall had an 8 MINUTE THADDIUS ATTEMPT that ended in a wipe. No wonder you were running OOM ROFL


The wow community ladies and gentleman. I’m so glad blizzard has been trying to force us to socialize with little s**ts like this idiot………


What fight exactly?

OP: “Why am i oom”

Bearhands: “This is why”

You: TOXIC!!!

Really? When someone asks something and gets an answer, even if its one they wouldn’t like, that’s not toxic.


Lol, I mean I tried to be as gentle about it as possible but someone always gets their feelings hurt…
But I mean… that’s just the only explanation. Half their raid was putting up single digit dps parses and their absolute best dps’er was only clocking a 50… Even running with pugs/gdkps etc my absolute SLOWEST Sapph was just over 3 minutes. They went over 5 on their kill. 4.5 minutes on Patch… 7 minutes on KT (not including waves…) Just ooph, across the board those are some of the slowest kills I’ve ever seen… It’s pretty obvious why he was going OOM.

My priest is full BIS and I woulda gone OOM on a 5+ minute Sapph kill…


We were running extremely light last night, down 5 dps and had alts in the raid and still we didn’t hit an 8 min thaddius.

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As wise as you THINK you are, you OBVIOUSLY didn’t look very hard before you started typing. IF you did LOOK, you’d see that we were running Naxx 25 with 16 people last night(2 of which had a 2k gearscore). You ain’t hurting anyone’s feelings here, friend. I did all this 15 years ago in a top 200 in the world guild.
Was just wondering if something got funky with the patch or not. Question was answered, appreciate it. (Not by you btw, other people). You can keep thinking you’re excelling at a 20 year old game, with all the answers going in. Enjoy.



You were running with 16 people and you didn’t think maybe that was making fights run longer and thus taxing your mana? You immediately assumed it was a bug and felt compelled to post here?

I mean come on man… Dust that ol brain off every now and then and give it a whirl. It’s gonna rust if you don’t use it occasionally…

Lol ok bro. Whatever makes you feel better

PS: You were running with 18. It’s ok… I know counting is almost as hard as spamming PWS…

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Yeah sorry this is WoW, you cant seriously expect to come in here when someone asks a question like OP and be able to tell them their issue is because they or the guild they ran with simply just sucks. Its always an issue stemming from somewhere else and never OP.

I mean do you seriously expect someone to connect the dots on missing 7 dps and fights taking 2x longer???

Learn some WoW internet etiquette.


Fair enough, that’s on me.

I gotta learn to stop overestimating people…


You two are funny.

Holy is trash. I don’t care what other people say that it takes more skill or whatever. Its a poorly designed healing spec.

Welcome to the world of arcane mages …

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Flash heal spam, with CoH filler. You’re not wrong. Holy felt much different 12 years ago.

I missed the part where anything about doxxing this guy’s raid night is respectful.

You wrote that in a way to specifically emphasize how you would have said this to their face, and no it wasn’t intended to be gentle. Just an idiot approach to OPs question.


You can’t “doxx” a raid guild on the WoW. That’s not what the term means. It’s not hidden, the info is widely available. Literally, right there.

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Nerd. Of course anyone could go looking for it. But this dude made a point to openly shame this guy’s logs on the forums in response to a simple question which is stupid, especially if you start your shaming by saying “with all due respect”.

You think they didn’t know they had a bad raid night? Did they really need some moron on the forums to confirm it was a bad night?


I’m a nerd because I know what doxxing means?

Ok… how about special baby boy who actually named himself Sephiroth stop using words Mommy hasn’t told him the meaning of?