Priest Mana Issues?

And yet, everyone knows what I mean when I say doxxing his raid night, except for you apparently who felt the need to push up your bifocals and declare “ackshually”.

It was 9 min ago and I’m the only one who responded… who is “everyone”? The voices in your head that agree with you?

For most reasonably intelligent healers a bad raid night is going to be heavily linked with going oom. That’s how the cookie crumbles.

Bearhands was being a jerk, but being real a former top 200 world raid guild player should have known the answer.

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Who, where? What was the issue?

If someone is asking what the problem with their raid is, you look at the logs to figure it out. You don’t have to be mean about it, but that’s how it works.


I mean I understood what he was saying just fine. Seems like a silly thing to get hung up on.

You really think that I had no idea that we had a bad raid night, running Naxx 25 with 18 people, 2 of which being 2k gearscore(ish)? Trust me, I know we had a bad raid night. I also know that I was beginning to have mana issues prior to having a 20 minute long fight. If Bearhands took a second to stop trying to be a try hard, and actually ask a logical question, he’d known that was the case.
Sitting on the forums and trolling all day, just because you have to stroke your epeen, and project your failures on other people, it’s the most productive thing in the world.

We knew we had a sh*t raid night. Don’t need someone pointing it out. He didn’t, however, point out that every other one of my logs are 90+ with my average sitting around 92. I must be pretty terrible to be able to pull something like that off.

Just goes to show you, small minded people, pick and choose the information they need; to try and paint an inaccurate picture of someone else.


Dang, why everyone so angry today?

I’m never angry, good sir. :grin:

So what was causing the mana issues?

The amount of time you spend on these forums is unhealthy. And if you have to say"with all due respect" then what your about to say is not respectful.

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Doxxing his raid night?? You can’t be serious my guy. You people are amazing

Lol ok bro. Get a life

He asked a question specifically about that raid night, so looking at the logs was the best way to find out what was going on you mental midget.

Apparently he did. That was the entire reason for this thread. You’re just trolling right? You have to be trolling

Lol right? And he wanted the name so bad he had to throw a special character in there.

Literally nobody knows because it’s an absolutely stupid thing to say rofl

Exactly… Thank you…

Ooooooph. You’re not bragging about Healing Parses are you my man? You understand how you get high healing parses riiight? Let me give you a hint… It’s not by running with a raid that plays well.

Ok Mr Sockpuppet with their first post ever. I’m sure you’re totally not a spineless troll hiding behind a new character. Totally

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We’re not saying you’re terrible… just that the answer should be obvious. Especially after you started dropping “credentials” on us lol.

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“Doxxing their raid night.”

Hahahahahah. I just cant get over how incredibly stupid that is. A-mazing

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Accusing people of being sock puppets while liking your own posts and astroturfing this thread with your alt is cringe and pathetic. “former top 200 world raid guild player” LOL. As if anyone gives a #%$^. Can’t even parse in a dead game that was figured out decades ago coming in here like you’re someone.

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You can’t like your own posts you mad tin-foil hatter. That was Ronstantine actually. And a random using his 1st posts ever to insult me kinda screams “spineless sock-puppet” but stay mad I guess?

What are you talking about? Are you ok? Should we call someone? DO YOU SMELL BURNT TOAST??

This is possibly the most pathetic thing I’ve read all week. Imma pray for you

You sound like you enjoy doing 18 person Naxx runs like OP.

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Plot twist: bearhands and the druid who named themselves sephiroth are the same person.

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So if you think Bearhands and I are the same person… how does this work as an insult?

I got plenty of parse info.

Also I find it really ironic that you got angry about him looking up their raid (which is what you do when OP asks this question) and then you accuse him off parsing badly.

Being real, OP probably just wanted to feel better after a rough night of raiding and get told holy is just bad. OP didn’t want any real responses.

Guys I swear I’m not an alt. I’m a genuinely new person to this thread and the fact that I agree with the other Sephiroth is mere coincidence. It’s stupid to air someone’s bad raid night on the forums in response to a simple question about mana usage.

The answer could have easily been “well your Rapture proc timing is suboptimal (not even sure what spec he is, only applies to Disc), and fights lasted longer than they should. It looks like it was a rough raid night, so I wouldn’t dwell too much on it. Work on maximizing Rapture procs and the raid being focused and you’ll see a huge difference”.

But instead we got this entire stupid thread.

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I dunno, not convinced.

I would never lol… Imagine naming yourself “ŠêpHìrÓth” Rofl

Oh no. Oh noooooooooooooooo. You have MULTIPLE SEPHIROTH characters with alt code names? Oh noooooo. My guy. I’m so sad for you.
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: