Bear Tanks in BWL

im sure i wasnt the healers focus but rather the prior tank.

I mean sure, but dont you have a dedicated healer assigned to you, and shaman chain heals?

But that’s where the problem lies: no direct healing in 2.7 seconds on a fight where positioning can be such that you literally never move and no one else is taking damage outside of Blast Wave is just patently bad. No Tank on Broodlord should go without constant direct healing in preparation of MS. He doesn’t have much health, so you only need your mana to last about 1.5 minutes or so.

A Warrior would die to the same because they’d eat a nastier MS-Auto combo and even with Shield Wall up for the follow-up auto, they’d be too low (or already dead) to survive without direct healing. That isn’t on Tanks to make Healers wake up, so it shouldn’t be a strike against Warriors or Druids that Healers dropped the ball.

On a fight like Broodlord, Firemaw, Flamegor, and Ebonroc (and even Vael to an extent), Healers can and should be rocking a target-of-target macro, that way even if targeting gets chaotic and Wing Buffet/Knock Back aren’t communicated well, a Healer can still semi-mindlessly succeed.

I was just making a minor quip, cause your healers let you die in 2.9 seconds with no heals.

Oh don’t I know it, and then they get an earful when one of the dumbos tries to claim “omg too squishy, one-shot!”

Hilariously, I wore less defensive gear last week and one of my favorite Healers decided he just wasn’t coming off of me unless I told him to stop. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t die.


And a 7k HP warrior wouldn’t die from that? You are aware that these encounters are designed to kill tanks right?

If you’re improperly geared… sure. Every encounter is perfectly survivable and reliably so.

I probably do around his tps as deep prot with tier gear on. It’s hilarious he’s flexing when his top dps is nowhere near enough to justify a Warrior MT even specing fury prot and that’s for Horde without salv.

says mr “I have never died to a raid boss ever, reliably never”

Surviving a boss because you won’t go 100-0 is not the same as having a Healing team that responds in a reasonable amount of time. I’ve died plenty of times in Raid… because I get zero direct heals across 3+ seconds of time. That’s not a “designed to kill Tank” mechanic, that’s a “Healers were dumb and bad”

Maybe when I first made this post, but definitely not anymore.

https ://

I wasn’t flexing. I was genuinely curious about where people were getting the Fury/Prot thing from. Admittedly, I had a lot to learn when I first made this post, and indeed my threat was nowhere near what it could have been. Heck, when I made this post, I didn’t even know MCP charges had no cooldown and could be used in succession. But since I made this post, I’ve drastically changed up my gameplay and you can see the results above on Vael.

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Theres a macro that allows you to shift use pot shift back in a mili second. I used it while leveling feral without any issues outside of losing mana for the shifts

https ://

https ://

Actually you are wrong. I did MORE tps than you did if you take into account that I was the first tank and died at 0:55.

I was in Bear form for ~43 seconds. Do the calcs again only comparing the time we were tanking the boss. While I was tanking the boss I was at nearly 1k TPS compared to your 874 before you died.

Why are you factoring in the half of the fight he was dpsing? Comparing apples to apples (when you were both tanking), he indeed has higher tps than you.

I did not realize that.

Still, troll warriors are BA ‘high five’

Looks like you need a name change :wink:

Get this guy a Gold Medal!

And looking at your Damage Taken metrics, it looks like you gave up a significant portion of your tanking profile in favor of threat, mitigating only 48%. I had to give up almost none of my tanking profile, mitigating 62% while generating higher TPS.

In fact, your threat is only about 6% higher than our Deep Prot Warrior who doesn’t even have a Sunrazor. Seems like you should be able to generate a lot more threat after giving up that much mitigation.

You should probably focus on your gameplay for a while before calling out others because it seems you have a lot of room for improvement yourself.