Premades need to be stopped

if you can’t PvP stop queing for them

nah, im casual, i still raid and group up and play socially.

how exactly do we do that?

He will just continue to lie and make excuses honestly lol

I’ll tell you in 5,4,3,2,1

It’s getting exhausting. Maybe I should quit commenting on these threads and just wait until there’s 20-30 other like minded people who can comment in these threads together.

an excuse made honestly isn’t a lie. sometimes i miss the grammar police, why did we ever defund them?

I’ve said it before and will say it again…

PvP is a choice… if you can’t play, or don’t enjoy it…


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what are you on about hidden profile lol the only people that can’t pvp are they one’s that need 39 of there “friends” to help them kill a bunch of randoms lol

Jokes on you, self harm is my kink.

if you can’t play stop joining

i can play just fine lol what is your point?

then you should have no problem beating me in game.

i prob could it’s your 39 other friends that are the problem lol

most games have 10-15, and if you really could, then you would.

Mess with one bean you get the whole burrito.

lol you are so full of it dude

saying that if you could actually do what you claim to be able to do you would be doing it instead of talking about doing it isn’t saying anything about myself.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IM DED :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Inemia used to care about the damage that premade raids do to PvP:

you want to try that sentence again but try doing it sober this time