Premades need to be stopped

by your logic a saltwater or an engi glider is an unfair advantage.

Blizz didn’t care. Until they did. There was no announcement. There was no warning. We all logged on one day to long queue times and had to connect the dots ourselves.

Not even close to the same thing. Now counting down in chat, all popping saltwater at the same time and hitting the same target? That’s closer to what is happening.

And before we go down this rabbit hole, I never said you were cheating, just that it’s scummy.

well lets look at engineering, if i have it and you don’t, that’s an unfair advantage. according to Thaedreu, i should be banned for fighting you.

It was very much the same for me…the constant arguments, the people going to extremes for attention was off the chart. Then there was no coordination just headless chicken running amok never guarding anything but racing you to cap it just to leave. There are just so many things wrong in straight up pugs.

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You’re grasping straws at this point. My twink analogy was on point. These engineering things not so much.

oh no, he said quite clearly:

unless of course not all unfair advantages are the same.

if you are joining with a group of “friends” bigger then 5 you are exploiting the system that blizzard put in place therefore you are cheating why do you just keep making pathetic excuses and lying?

again, if i solo queue and get into a game, and a group of 5 of my friends also got into that same game, that is cheating?

that is not what we are talking about nor what you do lol

its important though, see you can’t prove anything about fairness mattering. the system may pit you against me and my friends whether we organize or not. the only foul you are crying is if we try to play together vs if it happens by chance. that is just you being antisocial and angry at other people for having friends.

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That’s his argument. Not mine. And i wish engineering gave me any type of advantage because as of right now I feel like I’ve wasted a profession slot.

You’re relying on semantics. Bottom line. You need to go out of your way to do what you do. It rarely happens organically. You are manipulating queues in order to stack the deck in your favor. It may not be cheating, but don’t pretend like this is blizzards intended use of these systems. Especially considering blizzard put these systems in place to curb premade activity.

not really. i would say organizing a M+ is harder, and i’m the tank.

Oh do mythics inconvenience the majority of non player controlled enemies?

they inconvenience the majority of antisocial players who only ever want to solo queue for LFG and LFR and never talk to anyone else in game, pretending they are playing multiplayer.

don’t act like organizing a group is anything more than lifting a pinky to veteran players who have been grouping up in wow for 19 years.

just stop honestly you do sync queue that is cheating none of your excuses work honestly lol

i think you a word there

This is a super long thread…have premades been stopped yet?


They’re called casual players. We can talk about them without belittling them. Jesus you guys act like you invented the concept of friends.

You are manipulating queues in order to circumnavigate queue restrictions. Queue restrictions that were put in place because of large raid groups. I’m not the one acting here.