Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I will, enjoy your coping and hope it all works out for you bud.

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It’s about distribution and ilvl dispersion.

That isn’t needed.

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Like look, if all queueing for a BG a the same time is an exploit, then baiting raid boss abilities is an exploit.

You’re taking something that’s working as intended, and using that intended functionality to increase your odds of victory.

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Because they join the BG, and wait for it to start.

Have they tried to hit you with the “I’m getting put into 10v40 matches” routine yet?

I mean just tell me anything you notice, tbh.

I’ll refrain from drawing conclusions, since I don’t PvP. :wink:

I haven’t seen that one yet.

So far all they’ve tried on me is that it’s unfair that some people have friends and understand how the game works.

Blizzard hasn’t exactly been silent on the issue. There have been multiple posts where blizzard’s basically said what people are doing is allowed, provided they aren’t using some kind of external bot or hack to do it. They are using features intentionally added to the game, which are working as intended. As long as that remains the case, anyone claiming ‘cheating’ is just blowing smoke.

I think the most notable thing for me is that it’s the same exact group of people making a particularly large ruckus about it on the forums right now.

Bloomsday puts it best imo.

I suggest a narrative shift. Instead of attempting to frame premades as “exploiting”, I think it would be much more productive to simply say you dislike playing against them. You could then shift towards talking about improvements that could be made to the BG pugging experience.

If this were the stance, what would even be an argument against it? I wouldn’t have one.


That made even less sense. If they just join a bg great…then they won’t have a premade. You are basically saying that it will never get that high because they will stop exploiting…sounds good to me!

Until they bounce after the match starts.

Ah ok so they will go straight to a 30. Ok, that is a fair point…just took forever for you to say it.

You are right and if the problem still persists with that then it would need more to stop it. Although…at 30 minutes, you would get 3 or 4 premades in a 12 hour period. That’s still a hell of a lot better. That said, I think having some form of increasing penalty there would be good as well. I think dropping out of a BG sucks as well. You just basically pass it to the next person…and rob them of their queue time they spent by dropping them in a losing battle.

Fine with the idea of making that increasing as well with the same system or something similar…maybe even more strict.

Not even. the wiki is saying it’s 5 min scaling up to 20 min (max), and wowhead is saying flat 15 min.

Doesn’t change the idea really, just the details.

Blizzard needs to

  1. clarify everything about this
  2. work on ways to mitigate it

The details are debatable and hard to say what would work without testing. They have bigger penalties for abandonment in Overwatch 2 for example and the implementation seems to have gone well, with scaling up to whole seasons in some environments. I think that would be to far here.

Just something to make it less worth it to do this for honor than just playing. Just playing should be the goal.

Since you’re so worried about teams spawn camping, maybe do nothing about the queue, but allow teams to surrender.

Back to blaming the people just trying to play the game. It’s disturbing.

Because spawn camping happens even when pre-mades are not involved.

Allowing a surrender when ~2/3s of the group agrees also solves that case, not just the one you’re so concerned over.

Sure why not, if they fix the issues first I have no problem with that being added, but not to allow exploiting. That’s the issue here, so adding in other ideas that doesn’t fix that sounds like victim blaming again.

Gamers should not have to fix cheaters from ruining a game they pay for. The devs should fix it. Also, spawn camping will go down if you fix the premade issue so might not be needed, but I’m not against it as long as it can’t be exploited as well

Would rather them roll on changes for one thing at a time. Small movements.

You repeating your opinion that this is an exploit or cheating as a fact does not make it so.

Blizzard’s opinion is the only one that matters here, and their most recent publicly stated stance is that queueing up in groups at the same time as a different group is NOT an exploit or cheating.

No they are contradictory. Stop only putting forward the one you agree with.

They both say queue timing is ok, and that more than 5 in a run is against COD. That is contradictory and needs clarification.

If you ask me what they really said was we can’t stop queue timing so it’s not an exploit…and PUG stomping with a premade is cheating. We need them to clarify because there are multiple blue posts.

If you don’t think it is an exploit because of the blue post saying timing is ok, how do you explain the blue post saying more than 5 man is unfair? Also…why do you think this is fair outside of Blizzard opinion?

Around and around we go. So silly. Thanks for those bumps though.

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1st off, why dies it matter if it’s against a fish?

2nd, I don’t think the 2 are contradictory. Let’s look at what the archived blue post from 2012 actually says:
“Any addon that enables a full, organized Battleground group to queue against a randomly assembled group is creating a scenario where that coordinated group has a huge advantage.”
Well that’s not what’s going on here. There is no addon that’s manipulating the queue system (which is what was being talked about in 2012).

You are picking and choosing, which is intellectually dishonest.?

  1. What? Ah COC? that what you mean?

  2. It also says quite plainly bringing more than 4 friends into a BG is unfair.

Just stop. You are still defending cheating and it’s just so silly.

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