Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It doesn’t matter at all because it is unenforceable. They can make it against the rules to talk to each other about it all they want…and they would never know. That is exactly the point of saying it’s an enforcement issue. It is also what they stated when they said they wouldn’t do it…they wouldn’t take tickets on things they can’t enforce.

It also…doesn’t matter. What Blizzard’s current rules are do not matter if there is a problem that has not been handled. Period end of story. The debate on all of this is only valid if you are arguing for premades or against them. Arguing about what Blizzard wants or doesn’t want doesn’t matter at all when we are literally asking them to CHANGE SOMETHING THEY DID!

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Look dude, we can go back and forth all you want. I’m looking at this from a legal vantage point. The blue post responds specifically to one aspect of the question and ignores the rest. It’s a very judicious response and likely an acknowledgment of their current limitations. The blue response KNOWS they have no way to enforce players from queueing at the same time and leaves it at that. To that, players randomly queue into each other all the time or even target other players who are queueing. That’s been happening for ages.

Even if the response was “yea you can queue at the same time but we would prefer you not pugstomp…” would hold no weight as they have no way to police it. A rule that can’t be policed isn’t a rule at all.

haha yep. Was just typing the same thing. It’s the exact reason why the blue post doesn’t address the stacking part. They have no way to stop it, so they simply respond that queuing into another group is fine.

Interesting point, maybe a limit on honor gain per hour or something to dissuade this would make sense. If you don’t get much for the work done to organize then it would push them elsewhere…then you can pull that limit from rated. If you tune it right then most players wouldn’t be effected.

It’s pretty nuts though. I have seen people with 3k honor levels and stuff like that. The whole system is broken and really incentivizes trying to make things unfair.

I know I come across as anti-sync (and I am) but I’m mainly concerned with what is best for the game even if it’s not best for me. If that means we have sync queue then that’s how it goes I just think there needs to be more transparency in the process. I feel like it chases people away from pvp, especially new players, but I’m not so arrogant to believe I have all the answers.

What do you think is for the best? Status quo? Systemization of the process? I’m not sure even the best queue system would break up premades if there aren’t enough people queuing.

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I just always go back to this.

The people ruining the game for others will always try to argue it’s actually good for the game.

Continuing the discussion from Multiboxing positivity:

Like these folks are in soooo deep that they actually start believing their own bs.


Cross faction queues. Reduces overall queue times, allows the game to balance healers better. Most of the communities that I have played with would vanish based on this alone.

But, if it was just a pure wish list, I would add this:

Account wide, stacking debuff, for dropping queues. Preventing requeuing within a period of time.

I also suspect that cross faction queues is coming, which is why Blizzard has been so silent on the issue.


That one cracked me up as well.

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Yeah, it was pure gold.

They couldn’t see the other side of the issue or were unwilling to. By ‘lowering’ prices, it meant the average player couldn’t make any gold selling mats. Farming outside of multiboxing was pointless as you could never compete.

Same mentality here. They’ll argue that it increases participation and lower queues or some garbage. Too funny.


Some of them but you see Hirav is actually proposing some ideas that would improve life for the pugs. Some people do it because others do it and they feel they need to to be competitive.

I had a 13 boomie multiboxer in AB once, only thing that saved us was we had 3 healers and reduced them to where they could outheal their focus.

I wonder if they’re seeing how popular BGB is before committing to action. With reduced populations I think it’d resolve a lot of problems that fall into the general category of matchmaking issues.

I think the cross-faction stuff is pointless. People have been exploiting BGB Hirav claims it never happens even though sync people admitted they do it and did it easily. He only says that because he knows they could exploit it. He’s a liar and manipulator.

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I’ve never claimed any such thing.

Sure you haven’t lol

What I have said, is that it was attempted.

But, because there is an MMR, it is highly unlikely to be worth it in the longer term.

You claimed it could never happen. It has and it will. It’s the only reason you agree to cross faction.

Dredge it up. Go on. I’ll wait.

I almost always hedge though, so I doubt you’ll ever find it.

I think we need logos not pathos to resolve this in a way that benefits the most people. I say all concerns about BGB at this point need to wait until we can confirm issues in live, with all the MMR bouncing it’s hard to tell what was going on.

It’s a possible solution to the issue but I don’t like their time gating in other content and wouldn’t really want it for honor. Time invested should equal more reward. I think that would be punishing the innocent grinders for the actions of the guilty. Grinders aren’t doing anything wrong.

The only solutions that should be of interest are those that 1: End the damaging behavior; and 2: Prevent collateral damage in the process. If it screws with the experience of those bypassing the restrictions, they’ll get over it and go back to what they did before. Que normally.

The current system makes little sense in multiple areas. One specifically is how I see people with higher honor levels yet they don’t even have the “of the _____” achieve. It’s odd. But if they love bg’s and aren’t necessarily disrupting gameplay to grind, more power to them. We need more players like that so I wouldn’t support putting any caps on their grind. I hate that for pve and wouldn’t want more of it for pvp.


This is pretty much where I am.

I don’t like premades but if they want to just open the que up to raids again, fine. I’ll accept it since it gives everyone the option. Easily.

I don’t like the cross-faction grouping but if it ends this problem, I’ll take it. I just want to be able to log into retail and play normal games again.


Really? People admitted they did it and easily idk why you keep denying that.

I think this is a kitchen sink issue. They need to throw absolutely everything at it. Cross queue, drop queue penalty, some form of account wide game randomization (ie you can’t queue sink twice in a row with people because it remembers who you were last in a game with), and just a simple form of honor flagging so Blizzard can have someone take a look if people are making ridiculous amounts in a day.

Hell just monitoring the top winners in EBGs would probably show pretty easily who is doing it and they can be warned then banned. Of course it all starts with a simple statement saying…if you abuse this you will be in trouble and until Blizzard gets serious it’s all for naught.