Multiboxing positivity

Multiboxers usually catch a lot of flak and hate here on the forum by the community, not nearly as much inside the game but we still catch it there too. I’ve yet to see a thread that gives a positive light to us, and lets be honest… many times we aren’t the most polite when we do have to defend our way of playing the game to other players since many times we are blamed for botting and cheating. I think it’s due time we have a little bit of a positive light thrown in our direction for once.

Before I get to the fun part of the thread we’ll need to sort a few things out -

  • multiboxing is not cheating nor does it break any rules set forth by Blizzard.

  • multiboxing and botting are not the same thing, they have almost nothing in relation with each other. I’ve never actually met a multiboxer who bots. Many multiboxers have many accounts, it would be insanely foolish for us to gamble our 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, or even more accounts away and risk losing them all for something as dumb as cheating and botting.

  • multiboxers actually help server economies and drive the prices down of materials down to an affordable rate for the average player.

  • multiboxing is a very different and fun way to play the game. It’s not for everyone, but nothing is for everyone.

I started multiboxing many years ago. I met someone who boxed and was intrigued by his style of gameplay and decided to give it a go. I fell in love with it and have been doing it ever since. I’ve boxed everything from PvE twinks, PvP twinks, gold farming teams, WPvP teams, I’ve brought teams into raids for fun, herb farming teams, ore farming teams, cloth farming teams, gear farming teams, you name it and I’ve probably done it with this stuff.

There are a number of fairly easy programs you can use to start boxing. It’s a fairly decent investment but if you play your cards right you’ll never pay a WoW sub with money again. It’s not nearly as daunting and hard to start up as you might think it is.

Many times inside the game when I am boxing players will whisper me some raunchy things. Look, I get it, many players think we’re botting and cheating, but hopefully this thread can shine some light on it. There are times when players will watch me and whisper some pretty horrible things so I’ll play along and move in weird manners, I’ll refuse to answer back, I’ll get myself stuck in trees or on rocks, I make myself look like I’m botting. If they are still watching a handful of mins. later and continue to tell me they are going to get me banned sometimes I’ll even play with that and beg them not to. You know what though, I’m done playing those kind of games. I understand that my behavior, as hilarious as it is, only depicts us in a worse manner. It just gets tiring to constantly be harassed in the game, but like I said, I understand.

If you are interested in learning to multibox, have any questions about how it works, have a genuine curiosity about boxing, or have any funny and positive stories about boxing then feel free to post them here. I won’t tell you what programs I use to box, nor will I share any of my personal stuff with it with you, but I’d be happy to help with anything else.




No it is cheating its just cheating that makes Blizzard money. One keystroke shouldn’t control more than one toon.


The wife no longer plays because of wrist problems, but I keep her account active and play with her characters when I have time. Sometimes I will group up with one of her alts to solo dungeons for gear and mats. Using two computers and having one alt follow the other is a pain so I thought about multiboxing. I never found the info I needed to even try it.


This is why we need downvotes back.


how ever much I support multiboxing as a continued part of the game, that’s still a huge no from me dog. They need to remove multitap nodes and do something like having them be phased by servers (Like actual merged servers, with shared market and people we can trade with).


Don’t you just use boxing gloves?


I bought flasks today. It was affordable.


Low prices does not necessarily equal good for the economy. Because mat prices are lower and the prices of things made from those mats are lower that also means other players who sell those products are making less. The “average” player doesn’t typically make things in large enough quantities to benefit from the lower prices. In previous xpac gather professions were often the professions of choice for casuals who want an simple form of income. However because of multiboxing being able to take advantage of the node sharing and flooding the market with mats it’s made gather professions almost a waste of time for the typical player.

I know it’s not against the ToS, but imo multiboxing isn’t healthy for the game. I’ve never been a fan of it but at least in my experience it’s gotten worse with BfA.

Personally I’m against the shared nodes as well, even if there weren’t multiboxing. I wish it was closer to what it used to be, which yes could be frustrating, but was better for the economy overall imo.

I don’t make a big fuss of it cause there’s lots of people who enjoy and blizz is okay with it, but i’m glad that it’s not a thing (or at the very least not prevelant enough that I ever see it) in other online games/mmos that I play.



This. Artificial deflation of the true value of things doesn’t help the economy. It only helps multi-boxers dominate and shove out everyone else. It isn’t worth my time and mats to sell flasks as a single, normal alchemist. It just isn’t…and that’s the boxing community’s fault because they artificially deflate the price of herbs and the pots we make with them.

I have met only two multiboxers in my entire history of playing this game who even responded when I said “hello.” I’ve met many–MANY–who run around with 5-10 of the same toon and use them to grief people, dominate farming in a zone, and basically chase away all the other players.

I’m glad you found a way to play that makes you happy, OP, but your community has not been a net positive to the game…and that’s their fault. Had they chosen to play and work well with others, there wouldn’t be such a strong negative response to them. The end.


It’s also true, however, that in some regard it also forces average players to go to the AH for materials because they have trouble obtaining the mats on their own due to the ability of multiboxers to instantly consume all of a nodes gathering attempts.

Multibox if you want, it’s not breaking any rules. Just don’t ask me to like it or appreciate players who do it. I’ve come to accept the existence of multiboxers in the same way that I’ve come to accept the existence of mosquitoes.


No. Multiboxers should very much be against the rules, but it makes Blizzard more money so it isn’t. No one person should ever be able to control more than 2 accounts at the same time to absolutely ruin other peoples farming. No one person should be able to click 1 button and have multiple accounts do something.


i’ve been wow forums long enough to know the 3 things General Discussion will always hate:

  • Alienware
  • Twinking
  • Multiboxing

It often drops gathered items to low. I quit gathering because it’s not worth my time anymore. Due to how gathering nodes are now, a multiboxer can gather 5+ times the items from the same node than a normal player. If they revert gather nodes back to how they were pre-legion then I might enjoy gathering as my primary source for some extra gold income.


rich gets richer by multiboxing.


I’m generally a nice thoughtful guy, look at my post history and you’ll see nothing but reasonable posts (or jokes :stuck_out_tongue: ) but at the same time if you talk smack to me I can be ruthlessly offensive. I’ve only been multiboxxing for a month now and I’ve been getting the ranchy comments lol. Whenever I see another player stop and look at my team I’m always wondering “am I gonna have to be vile to someone?” so I usually do my best to avoid other players moreso than I did before :rofl:

Before I started multiboxing I thought it was just a guy with a bunch of characters whose movements are cloned, that I learned is not the case lol. I’d imagine most people have the wrong idea about how you actually multibox.

I knew you were going to get flak for this lol, I’d personally suggest not getting into a discussion about it. It won’t go anywhere.



I like the cheap mats! +++

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You are a brave panda.

I respect your courage and your positivity in supporting a style of gameplay you enjoy. However, I dislike m’boxing for a number of reasons.

Firstly, not long after I started playing some years ago I encountered m’boxing in lower level dungeons. This was in the days when ninja looting in instances was able to be done. I had things happen like getting kicked from a dungeon before the final boss so I got no loot, having every single piece of loot that dropped being needed on so the player could share it with their own toons and fairly obnoxious play and interaction generally. It was probably the main thing that I experienced early own that shaped my attitude towards m’boxing players.

It seemed to me that the only reason people did it was purely for personal gain by having an advantage over those who played single characters one at a time. I couldn’t go in an do a dungeon by myself at level but they could, and if that isn’t an advantage, I don’t know what is.

Then there was their habit of causing massive zone interference in pvp situations. I recall in WoD how one large m’boxer blocked the entrance to Tanaan early on its release just slaughtering anyone who tried to zone in. It was one situation where it was difficult to counter it with ‘real world pvp actions’ because you had to survive to even get there to do anything. (As I recall, this was one of the rare instances where a GM stepped in to stop it happening.)

I have this idea that players should play one character at a time. I realise m’boxing players don’t agree with that. I have no objection to people have multiple accounts - I’d just rather they weren’t allowed to play them all at the same time. However, that’s a purely personal viewpoint and I know others will see it differently.


This comes from interactions with other people. I can easily see how MBoxing players can become toxic because of all the hate thrown their way. Not excusing it as I let the other person dictate what they get from me, if you’re cool I’m cool.

I started multiboxing because I hit the character cap, if the account cap was higher than 50 I’d never have started multiboxing. But I had 55 120s before I started multiboxxing so now I have 5 accounts which gives me a potential cap of 250 characters :slight_smile:


Using ISboxer should be ban along with any other 3rd party program that allows auto key strokes through multiple clients. Preparedwow abused his 40+ boxing on darkspear in pvp by having all his toons spam flags and toys to force the server to shard him into a new layer so he wouldn’t die during MoP. The lag he caused and server instability was maddening and blizzard ignored it.