Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No, dredge up where I claimed that it never happens.

Not where people claimed to have attempted it a couple of times.

You claimed it can’t happen… why do you keep making a fool out of yourself?

They didn’t attempt it they did it.

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I did not.

Go find that post. I bet you can’t.

You just said it…

I did not.

I said that it is highly unlikely to be worth it in the long run.

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Lol you flip flop a lot bud. Hey you want that autograph yet?

It’s pretty close to my original statement on it…

Yes, just like was shown earlier. The win percentage of these community leaders is obviously due to their behavior. They’re winning 90%+ of their games. One could carry WsG or TP, sure. Epics? There’s no way to legitimately get those numbers without extra cheese.

This I like. It could also bring “random” back to randoms if the system were to prioritize that design for everyone. Stop the games from being 1 side of the same people vs the other side of the same people game after game. 2 birds, 1 stone. It could also address if these communities try to solo que together.

It’s possible. SS has the similar system, just on a smaller scale.

I think whatever solution they were to choose is going to have an iffy transition period where ques may be erratic. Regardless, if these communities, full of many that just gave up and joined the circus, decided to stop queing, they would eventually que again. What we have now is losing the people that just want to play normally.

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Even if this was true how does this apply to random bg’s? they have no rating.

So, you couldn’t find it, could you?

You were the one who brought up BGB…

Lol you can never answer a simple question.

I already posted it lol answer a question for once.

You did no such thing. You realize people can read everything in this thread, don’t you?

Whatever you need to say. How does that apply to random bg’s that have no rating.

I don’t know, why did you bring it up?

I know hidden MMR has been brought up but I was wondering if they could use wins or maybe win percents to generate some form of match making. There’s a lot of questions to answer like instance or season specificity but I think it’d help steer better match making. I know Raist (my lock) would be in for a long streak of easy matches, haven’t really played him since MoP and even then I focused Elric more.

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You are the one that claims cross faction would help, so how would it help.

It would overall reduce queue times, it would allow the game to better balance healers.

Communities who try to sync queue would have the significant chance of individual groups being against each other. It would split them up, they would have leaders on one side and members on the other, without their leadership.

Communities that can’t get wins, lose members, communities dwindle to nothing.


Another possible solution but I wonder if it would end up like rated where the ques get extra long if your % is much higher than the rest. I think innocents in bg’s could get caught in that whirlwind. Maybe if the system were to check for win % and if they that did it in a group, it could avoid too much collateral damage.

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But they can still do it. Just makes it a tiny bit harder. No problem solved at all. Plus, some people will most likely throw for their “leader” with promises of "oh next time you can get the win. The problem needs to be resolved.

Communities falling apart does that for you.

Just because some might not, is not a reason to not do it.

I get that you want people punished. But that isn’t going to happen.

Come up with realistic solutions.