Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There is quite a difference. But you don’t want to acknowledge it.

There isn’t. And no, I’m not dishonest like you.

40 people queueing as a raid or 40 players trying to stack a bg ends with the same result.


Except that it often doesn’t. It is rare that everyone who queues gets into the same game.

Some communities don’t even have 40 players who queue at the same time.

Their whole argument makes no sense. They are trying to say they wanted to only have half premades, or 2/3 premades not full premades…so they made it 5 man only.

Yeah that makes no sense because they could have set the size you could queue with at whatever number they wanted. You math out that 23 is the perfect number to allow for premades to have some random in there…they could set the queue to allow that.

The whole idea is just bs.

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And they also didn’t make it against the rules to communicate with other groups that you’re queueing.

How? if 40 people queue at the exact same time, and all get put into the same “waiting room” no pugs can be put into it.

Also no one gets blocked from queuing just because a game started, the queue keeps queuing people and shuffling them into / out of other queues, based on their time in queue, the size of the group they are in, the number of free spots in active “waiting rooms” and whatever conceivable functions the devs put into the queue systems…

Unless you have an active deserter debuff or there are no BG’s available for your level bracket.

Sure, you are hampered with a slight dice roll of luck that the queue now no longer just lumps all 40 into it, if, in all the thousands, to ten or potentially hundreds of thousands of players potentially queuing into a BG across all the regions WoW as a product is sold in you might get a few pugs pushed into it based on their luck.

Yet as the dev’s clearly added a limitation of 5 man/agent groups (Not raids, never more than an index of 4 starting at 0) and finding ways to bypass, and get around a developer added limitation is in no way intended no matter how you wish to spin it.

You now have 240+ posts in this one thread, over two hundred and forty, repeating yourself ad-infinitum, for you of all people to say something like…

is such pure gold the Leprechauns at the ends of rainbows may well be salivating at the prospect of it.



The game often puts pugs into games with partial premades. There is no “waiting room”, it’s a pool of players.

And you don’t need to queue at the exact same time.

Dear lord this is painful.

Oh, it’s not the same because it’s not always 40 people and they don’t ALWAYS get in… so therefore it’s not the same.


This is going to blow your mind, but the raids back in the day didn’t always queue with a full 40 man group.

It is. It’s incredibly disingenuous.

Because it’s an enforcement issue. They can’t… you know… police speech. They already made it clear that pug stomping is bad. You guys keep ignoring that part. They likely didn’t, and perhaps still don’t have a good solution they want to fix the issue.

They can and they do.

They could have designed the system differently, they could have made it a policy that communicating with other groups is against the rules. But they didn’t.

Is blizzard in the room with us right now?

No, that would be absolutely insane and likely against the law.

Rubbish. Blizzard is a business. They don’t have to follow the American Constitution for anything they do. It isn’t a public place, the government isn’t involved.

If Walmart can stop you from speaking in their store, Blizzard certainly can stop you from speaking in their game.


The most insane post in this thread. The constitution is the foundation of all law in the country. How is Blizzard going to enforce speech rules? That’s a massive invasion of privacy.

Walmart can’t stop you from speaking in a store.

It isn’t. You gave up the right to privacy when you accepted the EULA.

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No you don’t. Speech that happens off platform isn’t covered in the EULA. If you were using Blizzard’s own chat, there might be an argument, but that would be it.

You seriously don’t understand what you’re saying.

If their hands are so tied because they can’t find a solution that caters to those that ignore the restrictions, then the first problem to address is why they think that way.

Cater to those that abide by the restrictions and intent behind those restrictions.

The same backwards priorities exist when they address their release mistakes/bugs every patch. A group of players find an exploit, go crazy exploiting it, and then end up keeping their loot. Blizzard chooses solutions that cater to those that exploit the mistakes instead of those that played normally. It is why the phrase, “exploit early, exploit often” exists.

Fact is that this is a problem many current and ex-players brought up several years ago. And nothing has changed. Some of the responses from the CS forums shows how they view this issue. “It’s just something a few posters are going back and forth over. It’s not really a hot issue.”

I’m sorry to break it to you, but most communities use community chat for their countdowns.

It’s actually quite strange to use Discord for them.

That isn’t what you were arguing.

You were arguing this…

You didn’t prequalify that with establishing the circumstances by which it was being invoked.

Well, I had hoped you would understand that I was talking about your privacy when using Blizzard services.

I understand that they can’t do anything about Discord.

But they could do lots of thing to prevent people from queueing together. Simply throwing your hands in the air and stating that they can’t do anything about it is nonsense.

They could have designed the system to stagger pops, they could have designed the system to hold groups and place them in separate instances. But they didn’t.

And, at the same time, they could have made a statement that communicating about queues was against the rules. But they didn’t. In fact, they have stated that it is not against the rules.

I get that you want it to be against the rules. I’m not arguing with you about whether it should or should not be.

All I’m saying is that it currently is not against the rules to countdown via voice or chat.

My guy, you made an extremely broad statement. I responded with an equally broad response. If you wanted to clarify, that was the moment.

What’s nonsense is you assuming you understand the impact to every change.

What we know is pug stomping is frowned upon.

Sure, but the issue wasn’t a big deal in the past. Even 2-3 years ago it wasn’t a big deal. A lot has changed. You and the rest of the people defending it can’t admit that.

The game is different now and new rules are needed.

Because they can’t enforce that in any reasonable fashion. Again, any honest person understands that.

And no, they did not say it wasn’t against the rules. They specifically said queueing at the same time as someone else isn’t breaking any rules… which again, every honest person understands why. Random happens. They can’t police random. Groups DO queue into each other.

I haven’t argued that. I’m arguing other rules are clearly being broken.

Yes, a lot has changed. Population decline and/or splitting has made it so premades are much more regularly seen.

In a thread asking if and I quote:

Was cheating.

It turns out that it’s not cheating to stack the queue and make a premade.

The thread is about queueing with each other, not into each other.