Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That must be why solo shuffle was added and it’s the most successful PvP bracket by a landslide.

The biggest smash hit feature PvP has ever gotten was only a thing because of solo players.


Not clinging to anything. Notice how you can’t actually refute points so you’re resorting to trying to call out achievements. That’s almost as bad as trying to claim a guild name was worth anything.

CE was from season 3 on Fyrakk.

Multiple 2200/ on more than one class in Cata.

Am I as good as back then? No never claimed to be. However I have pugged up to 1900 for elite mogs on multiple classes in SL.

Sure thing. You clearly aren’t going ever going to be a detective.

Ps you can keep saying I rely on premades but you’re still wrong. Haven’t done a premade since WoD I think :joy:

Cope harder and keep up with the insults if it makes you feel better.

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and its only a 1 hour queue lol.

it helps to think about things for even a minute.

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Correlation =/= causation. Just because you get frequent queues doesn’t mean the population and PvP participation is fine. They teach you this in high school. You should know if 1 million alliance queue up against 1 million horde =
frequent queues the same as 1,000 alliance queue up against 1,000 horde = frequent ques.

Make up crap doesn’t convince anyone of anything!

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Agreed, the queue time is excessive, that why I didn’t bother with it this season.

Premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Hopefully, we can raise enough awareness about these worsening problems to catch Blizzard’s attention.

^^ Some premade raiders are acknowledging problem #2. Progress I guess?


I think asmongold said it best when he said

“Because there is no PvP or competitive scene in wow there are just a handful of old people with 40 alts”.


It won’t. They have made their stance very clear.

The fact you’re quoting Asmongold is liquid gold. Lost what little credibility you had :joy:

Yes, groups of 5 can join. Stacking multiple groups of 5 isn’t intended.

You guys keep going back to these insults. It’s hilarious. None of you are in a place to be insulting anyone.

Well put and you’re spot on.

Yep and it’s getting worse. I think this is part of the reason I got two back to back premades. There is almost no point in doing them currently and that is stopping players from queueing at all.


guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl 2 qsink in there raids insted workin as intended


Eh it wasn’t as big a deal back then. Additionally it’s gotten more and more out of hand with premades actively dodging each other and leaving one team empty.

I’m all for them sticking to their guns and letting people que sync. What they can do is make it so if you don’t take a que you have to wait an increasing amount of time before you can again. Reset daily or something.

Also they’ve been known to change their minds. Twinks were a thing forever until blizz saw that it was making new player experience worse. Then they moved them to their own bracket. This actually makes PvP worse for everyone that’s not premading. So I’m not sure why you think blizz can’t change their mind.

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Push all you want.
But making things up like its not allowed or its cheating and then trying to snap at anyone who shows you that its not until you get clowned into the ignore bin is not helping.

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Who is making things up? Sorry, you’re going to need to point to whatever post you’re having an issue with.

And oh noes, someone defending premades puts me on ignore… whatever will I do?

For the 12th time in this thread alone, they claried their position years ago.
Its not cheating.
Its not an exploit.
Its not a circumvention.
Its 100% allowed. Directly from a blue.

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Why does one team start players down then.

If a system that’s working as intended lets a game start 10v40 then… lol staggering lack of quality control.


Don’t bother, those are guys that lose at comp stomp or will wipe in delves.

This is working as intended for these trolls.


Because Blizz just doesn’t care that’s why. BTW pre-mades have been losing lately.

Funny you say that about people not in premades when you are on the side of people who stack every advantage imaginable in a unrated scene.

9 healers vs 2

Voice v no voice

Meta dps stacking vs not

Engineering item spam vs not.

Who are really the bad players in need of a crutch.


You’re name is throwing me off. Is this now, or is this coming down the pike?

Oracles, always need to follow up, amirite?