Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That’s a charming post. No grievances, couldn’t resist the pun.

There’s a good chance he’s better than me.

about 8 years. 12 years is THREE times longer than 4 years.

if you dont see the problem with this then you need to work on your information literacy skills.

You do know policies are updated? the newer one supersedes the previous one. Come, use your head.

No one cares about honor level, no one cares about your arena/rbg/solo shuffle rating. It’s a video game.

You project more than an actual projector.

So again all we need is another cs rep with a different opinion and all of a sudden it will become the new law.

I see

Funny thing is that blue post only started getting brought up about a month ago when some guy with to much time dredged up a 4 year old post.

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There needs to be Solo Queue (1 - 2 ppl) , Group Queue (3-5 ppl) and Premade Queues (5+).


You are correct, if a Dev or Support Blue says otherwise. BTW, it not a law, just a policy change.

Yeah let’s separate the community more into different queue systems, that’ll definitely be a winning PR strategy.

Get rid of single queues all together.

Not going to happen. They are only adding more.

Well I mean you and several others are so dense I guess you have to go into the way back machine to find Blizzard caring and commenting about a PvP issue.

These threads still pop up despite definitively having a blue answer the question.

Let’s let full geared premades beat down solo players (geared or ungeared) and/or new players just starting out that don’t have people to play with in minutes having a 0% chance , that’ll definitely be a winning PR strategy!


I mean queues are still popping at all hours in retail despite all of the forum doom and gloom claiming otherwise so apparently it is!

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it’s literally worked for years. you dont think premades are a new thing, do you?

Nonsense! Premades only started conveniently existing in Shadowlands when all of the forum babies started getting killed by them in PvP!

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I suspect some these guys lose matches at Comp Stomp week.

It’s populated and hardcapped between 300 and 500 players lul that’s a win in Akatsukis eyes.

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It’s worked for years? You obviously haven’t seen what’s been happening to the PvP population year over year , expansion over expansion. It has not work hence why the population participating in PvP has nose dived into the dumpster.


Cool now get out of your feels and prove it’s because of premades.

yup, for years. we’re still getting frequent queues, yes?

correlation =/= causation. this is like the first thing that teach you in high school.

i could easily say that pvp population is dwindling because of solo players. which one of is correct? there’s no way to know.

making up crap doesnt convince anyone of anything.

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