Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

How many times are we going to have this debate!?! It’s ridiculous. Premade groups can explain that it is not cheating 1,000 times & in 1,000 different ways. It won’t matter. Premade groups are just regular players. They have no advantage over any pug in regards to gear, etc. We all have access to the exact same things. However, premades will usually dominate for one reason & one reason only…they listen to the raid leader & follow the call-outs. The problem with pug groups is that no one will actually stand up & lead (usually).
Now, that being said, I do think that there needs to be stiffer punishment for groups that leave the que. It is unfair that one side has to start with only half a team (sometimes even less) just because some premade dropped or didn’t take their que pop. Dropping que because only a few groups got the pop or dropping que because one premade doesn’t want to go up against another premade for whatever reason is absurd. The only people getting screwed are the pugs that got left blowing in the wind. No wonder some hate premades so much. I would too. The problem is not the premades syncing que, the problem is the premades not taking the pop that they get.
I will admit that I am 100% guilty of doing this myself. But the problem is getting worse. I have been trying not to do this anymore though. Hopefiully, those in my group & my community have noticed that I always say for us to take the pop that we get. Even if it’s just 1 group. I feel like that’s the only way to keep things as fair as possible.
I’m sure that this post will get flagged and/or removed altogether but I hope it won’t…
***I’m asking for ALL premades (Horde & Alliance) to quit dropping ques. Take whatever pop you get. No more sending one person in to see who you’re up against. No more dropping que if only a group or two got in together. Take what you get. Take your lumps or dish them out, whatever the case may be. It’s the only way to make it fair for everyone.