Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Are you wanting a serious answer to this or are you just asking rhetorically expecting me to actually believe you dont know how a queue system works?

I already know the answer.

It happens cause people trying to que sync drop when they don’t all get in. And I know it’s because of this because the que won’t pop without 40.


This is such a dumb argument.

Twinks were huge and popular. They let people turn off exp so they could twink even harder. Then they realized that it made PvP worse. So they put them in their own bracket and it died because those people don’t actually want competition, they just want to stomp.

So sync premading is big. It’s been around forever. However it actively makes PvP worse. So why in the world do you think they wouldn’t change their minds?


That’s why Blizzard needs to get rid of it, along with Solo queuing.

Well, apparently Asmongold has a better understanding of why WoW’s PVP is in the state it’s in than you do. Poop socking PVP’ers who are mentally and physically exhausting to be around and who aggressively go out of their way to defend their own behavior even when it makes PVP unpleasant and unattractive to engage in should really hold their tongues when people are trying to make PVP more appealing.

When you keep shooting your shot like this it makes it look like you think your entitlement to a captive audience is more important than the actual long term health of WoW’s PVP environment.

Motte and Bailey. They didn’t say what you think they said. They didn’t give any sort of approval of the practice of bypassing raid queuing, which they disabled. They just said that a couple people winding up in the same BG’s together isn’t a reportable offense. This is not the same as saying that even after they disabled the ability to raid queue for epic BG’s that you should just time your queues to bypass that restriction. Absolutely wild that some people don’t get this.

Solo Shuffle is popular because it’s accessible, not because it’s good.

Because Blizzard had just shut down raid queuing, and had published a lengthy explanation for why premade raids shouldn’t be fighting pugs. And that made it pretty clear that people who wanted to pug stomp shouldn’t be looking for ways to bypass the removal of raid queuing.

Blizzard knew twinking was a problem almost from day two. They just didn’t want an aggressive, top-down solution because they hoped twinks would get bored or something and it just wasn’t a big priority to work on content in the leveling experience for depreciated parts of the game.

Wouldn’t fix the problem.

Blizzard disabled raid queuing for epic BG’s. What on earth makes you think that their intention was for people to sync up queues to get an entire raid’s worth of people into the same BG?

You really need to find an argument that isn’t a logical fallacy. Motte and bailey. Blizzard didn’t say it was allowed, they said a few people ending up in the same BG isn’t a reportable offense. This is not the same argument as Blizzard saying that you should ignore the fact that they disabled raid queuing and should instead exploit the match making system to sneak an entire raid onto the same team in epic BG’s.

If Blizzard really wanted it, why wouldn’t Blizzard just turn raid queuing back on, exactly? What’s your logic, here?

A premade can absolutely lose but there’s a certain amount of naivety that goes into thinking the odds of beating a premade group as a PUG is remotely the same as your odds of beating a PUG as a PUG.

You forgot more consistent gearing. Match making makes no attempt to account for gearing even when the difference between a geared out character and one who isn’t is massive.

Apparently you don’t because you’re unaware that one of the consequences of this exploit is that when a premade ends up on the wrong team, or realizes they’re facing another premade, they queue dodge.

This means that one team is frequently down a significant number of players as soon as the game starts. It also qualifies as win trading, which is already against the rules.

Some of us like the challenge of trying to win challenging game modes like 10 v 10. The screaming children who spam duels around Goldshire can stick to arena matches if they want them so badly.


If you got rid of the casual bracket then what do you propose new players or casuals do. Jump dome first into sweaty rated?

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Asmongold has zero understanding of pve in this game let alone PvP.

You should educate yourself. I don’t do premades. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you until you actually comprehend it

Yes they did. No matter how many times you ignore it you are one hundred percent incorrect.

“I don’t do premades!” - guy with 367 defensive posts in a thread calling out the premade problem.


Because educating people that are unable to comprehend blue posts doesn’t actually mean I do premades.

I knew you were clueless but even that’s a giant reach even for you.



That’s really the only argument you have. Since you refuse to respond to the post I link you three times because it literally demolished your points.

It’s also why you hide on a classic too.

I understand your addiction to organized pugstomping must be pretty harsh right now that you can’t log in yet.

Don’t fret, sweaty. I’m sure you’ll be able to log on very soon and not premade.

I won’t take your nonsense personally.

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Oh don’t worry about rated blitz bgs, premades are coming for those as well.

Which I’m guessing blizzard hasn’t fixed the whole grab two healer friends group their due groups and que at the same time with some countdown in order to get 4 people in a que system that will most likely be putting them on the same group since hlrs priority grouping and just keep cancelling the que till both groups get the que at the same time.

I don’t have an addiction. As I don’t join premades.

Nah I’m at work right now killing time.

I’ll be raiding mythic tonight actually.

It’s ok I don’t hold you accountable for your willful ignorance.

hey buddee hows that extendud maintenants :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Like i said…was a troll post :rofl:

np every1 beleifs you :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Yup, baptism by fire. Also, there are learning communities that will bring in new people and teach them the ropes. But then again most of you guys here are anti-social and have difficult time coordinating and interacting with others to achieve a goal.

Doesn’t have a very good track record.

Many people get into a PvP game and see themselves at a colossal disadvantage simply due to time investment and they just quit the game instead.

Especially when they compare what you can get for being good at wow PvP as compared to any other games PvP.


IIRC his accomplishments and when he was still going hardcore are more recent than your 13 year old title?

Man, did you eat a lightbulb? You’re projecting. I didn’t even accuse you of participating in premades.

Read it again, maybe you’ll understand what they’re saying this time around.

FFXIV doesn’t allow premades to fight pugs, simplifies each job’s rotation, and standardizes stats and gearing for each job in PVP for a reason.

It turns out that cultivating a elitist, exclusive community of poop sockers who feel entitled to easy wins over new players is a really bad idea for a social game.

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