Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Your bad behavior wasn’t reinforced though. The thread was shut down after several called you out.

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the thing is twinks were an outlier and small population relative to the new players they targeted.

epic premades are at level cap and made up primarily of full time pvpers who all play epics and pvp as their main content. these players aren’t on some alt they don’t really care that much about.

you also have the fact that new players aren’t generally being placed in games against premades because of the honor level new player pool. players with an honor level of 0-29 are placed in their own bracket unless they queue with a friend over H30 or are queueing for MMR balanced content. premades all have people with honor levels in the hundreds to thousands. so its not like new players and premades are going to encounter each other often.

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Cheating/exploiting semantic arguments aside, premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Hopefully, we can raise enough awareness about these worsening problems to catch Blizzard’s attention.

^^ They’re only acknowledging problem #2, but it’s something at least.


I beg to differ. Every time someone says that it’s against the rules. Every time they state that it’s exploiting, they are saying that it is against the ToS…

Well, I called for an outside observer and talked with Microsoft customer support. Even said maybe it was me but it really does seem like bad customer service to let people troll CS threads like that. Maybe they’ll find me at fault, we’ll see.

Not just you, but OP and several of the people spamming these threads on the BG forums.

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What, you called Microsoft? Are you insane? They won’t care unless you’re a major shareholder.

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They were really nice, said they’d review it. Like I said, probably nothing will come from it.

I don’t think microsoft has a tolerance policy that protects trolls, but best of luck.

for some reason my head went to military rank first, and i was thinking they should still hear you even if you are only (a) captain shareholder.

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I hope they don’t, it’s a bad idea to let forum posters troll threads in the customer service like they did.

It isn’t, but thankfully a support agent was able to put a stop to your thread before your trolling got too out of hand.

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You’re probably an example. It seemed like people didn’t like the question and tried to derail the thread. Outside observer.

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It’s because the questioner seemed like they didn’t like the answer.


just someone who doesn’t like the answer.

…no matter how many flavors it’s provided in.

Sync queue is more than countdown queuing, he said countdown queuing is ok unless you do other things so I thought it needed clarified.

Another good example, seemed like you didn’t like the question

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As in, using software.

Not manually clicking a button in the game.

You’re making an assumption, I was open to an answer that would serve your purpose. Maybe even protect you.

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Sync queueing is literally countdown queueing. You probably should be able to tell these things before making threads.