Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Because you got Blue posts saying it and managed to tick off Orylia?

Im struggling to see how that isn’t a distraction without difference.

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I enjoy premades and I enjoy solo queuing.

I’m also not a petulant child who is bad at the game crying about getting PvP’d in a PvP setting.

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Only when those opinions are expressed with solid logical foundations, well-reasoned arguments, and constructive demeaners.

This thread has none of that.

Got it. You’re the problem.

You’re literally mad that you might lose what you enjoy doing most in the game… ruining the game for other players.


Well for one, they’ve clarified it twice (2007 and 2019) that countdown queuing (which is how communities queue) isn’t against TOS.

Yes. Over and over and over, ad nauseam.

Every time they use the term ‘exploit’. They are using this paragraph as their source:

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Which comes from the ‘Cheating’ section of the WoW Code of conduct…

Cool now post the other part that you forgot to quote, Junior.

Also it’s clear you’re just not good at the game. I wouldn’t need a premade to kill you.

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I don’t understand the question but I think the treatment they give customers with questions is problematic. He made a statement that confuses people, especially since it contradicts other things that they said, and his response to a request for clarification was not my job.

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Yeah, trolling in the customer support forum is typically not well received.

No one is confused, you just dislike the answer.

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The only thing that needs fixing is the queue system where you can’t Willy nilly drop queues. Like if you decline a queue you can’t queue again for 2-3 minutes or something of the like and it immediately looks for players to fill the spots you didn’t take.

Either that or drop the 2-3min debuff and fix the matchmaking function to immediately select the next people in queue. As is it takes sometimes 10-12 minutes to fill up a bg if people don’t accept queue.

I think this thread is pretty strong evidence of the confusion, countdown queuing isn’t the same as party sync (EDIT: I meant sync queue) which involves extra steps. I wasn’t trolling, I was trolled. Let them figure it out.

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Well party sync is 5 players who can click the queue button so nothing in TOS there is broken either.

Don’t use this phrase. It is a specific function within the game.

Nope, it’s evidence of a minority of people disliking the answer they are given and refusing to accept it.

Unless the extra steps involve automation than the extra steps are largely irrelevant.

Trolling, throwing a tantrum, lashing out, call it what you want, it is not well received in the customer support forum.

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No one is saying its against tos. They just want the systems fixed like with twinks


There hasn’t been much new blood on the forums, what’s acceptable to the forum might not be acceptable to the world at large. You can throw around all the ad hominem you want, it just confirms my concerns.

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What does this have to do with anything?

Your concern that people didn’t receive your trolling well? Right, that’s never going to change, I’m afraid.

Boards can become what I call inbred where bad behaviors are reinforced by others in the forums. I left it to them, didn’t try to preface it aside from saying people are confused and I was asking for clarification. For example, assuming everyone with a question is just trolling.

If it isn’t against ToS, there’s nothing to fix.

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