Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You also drop queue, just because it’s allowed in game doesn’t mean it’s not unintended. That’s why I asked.

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No, I’m not.

Other means to queue.


Cool. Which has nothing to do with what I said.

What exactly does other means mean? It’s an assumption.

No – people don’t like when trolls ask questions and refuse to accept the answers they are given.

It was clarified for you multiple times.

By forum posters, not by anyone in authority.

Other means to queue, like using an addon/software.

Dropping a queue isn’t even mentioned, I can’t believe you’re arguing that clicking a button in game is cheating.

You can use in game mechanics to obtain an unintended result and it’s still considered exploiting.

By forum posters citing from the CoC – the ultimate authority.

You just dislike the answer.

We’ll see if an outside agency will agree with your assessment, assuming it’s not filed under T.

Clicking a button, which is labeled ‘Leave Queue’, which causes you (and your group) to leave your queue, is the intended function for the button.

They will – there’s a reason nearly everyone unanimously disagrees with you.

This should initiate some sort of self-reflection.

We’ll see, I just think CS needs to be not so bad but maybe I triggered it and didn’t realize.

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Blizzard in blue posts: “Randoms are not meant for organized pug stomping. That is what war games and rated bg’s are for!”

Premaders: “Randoms are for organized pug stomping. If you don’t like it, do RSS or blitz!”


It’s confusing, right?

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Apparently. But you can spot that the same people crapping up this discussion also troll the BG forums with the same stuff.

Nothing to gain there.


it would mean using some sort of automation to sync all group queues instead of having the group leader clicking the button.

its possible, i can easily think of a way to use some outside means to create a perfect sync, but the reality is that is more effort than its worth when you can just have people count down. you can be as precise in getting your group into line as possible and still get split because of the rate of players queueing per minute. syncing even if you were to give it atomic clock precision and automation is still a best effort queue, it might not work. this is why many groups resort to dropping which causes much more harm than premades alone.

at first thought dropping could be solved by enabling raid queueing, this would then open up more people to increasing afk and drop penalties, but it removes that best effort aspect. IMO the best solution is cross faction with faction selection instead of mercing. this lets premades still premades, but at the mercy of RNGesus and best effort due to still needing to sync.


Where did blizzard ever say this?

the other issue is that people saying rated bgs and wargames are a suitable substitute for premade epics haven’t played any of them.

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I think they should make rated epic BGs with 8 teams of 10 so BSG doesn’t just dominate the competition :wink: