Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already


If they are using other means to do so, that might be, but basically going… “One, two, click!” has never been.

From the same post, and there are addons that have and are probably still being used.

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There are not. Addons cannot access the queue window.

There are some addons which can prevent you from clicking the join button until the leader has accepted the queue, but what they’re doing is placing an unclickable image over the window. They aren’t directly changing or interacting with the window itself.

Leaders are required to click the queue button, individual members are required to click the join or leave button.

If you say so, not replying directly as this post will go to both of you. I have no intention of arguing over it to fit a narrative. I have said my part and my opinions. You both have your own.

All I will say is I added my 2 cents and hope you all have a good day :smile:


They aren’t wrong.

Their are known exploits in the game that last years or longer. Just because something is the current accepted norm, doesn’t make it right or fair. The game changes all the time. What wasn’t a problem now is. Times change.

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They have stated multiple times in blue posts it’s not cheating.

This really isn’t up for debate.

Yes, they are.

Blizzard is the arbiter of what is and is not cheating.

Blizzard currently does not consider queuing at the same time, via voice or chat countdowns, to be cheating.

Sure, things could change in the future. But that’s the future.


Well apparently they don’t view it as cheating.


Friend, you are arguing at a brink wall, they made up their minds. You’d have a better chance to convince a Vegan to eat Prime Rib.


I know, it’s crazy. They really don’t want to accept the truth.

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They have also stated it’s bad for the game. Quit being dishonest.

What someone does and doesn’t consider cheating is on them. Blizzard can ultimately enforce what they consider cheating.

That’s the point. If a player think something cheating, Blizzard can chance their stance. Intil Blizzard changes their stance, that doesn’t mean the player is wrong.

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At this point the only people who deserve bans are the people who consistently spam these childish threads on multiple forums in a tantrum.


Has anyone been arguing its cheating at any point…?

It keeps being harped on even though its not been accused. The solution is to just make it solo queue and shuffle the factions together.








Hope that helps you.

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Right… and they said its not intended and are looking into it


Nice spam bro.

Player opinions change the game all the time. Speaking out matters. Sorry you think your voice doesn’t matter.


Spam is making another thread in the sea of tears that is these threads whining about something that is clearly as of 2019, already a settled matter.

Thanks for reminding me to report this thread as spam btw.

My question was whether dropping queues might be considered going beyond countdown queuing but they wouldn’t respond when I asked. I promoted it to Microsoft, probably won’t help but if they could clarify more than an unclear blurb it’d sure stop a lot of board drama.

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They’ve literally never said that, outside of a blue post in WOD that was talking about raid queuing addons in BGs.

Report it all you want. Reporting threads that break no rules is also against the rules.

I get that you’re one of the people that enjoy premades and this bothers you. Sorry, but the rest of us are tired of players like you ruining the game.