Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yeah, not planning on buying TWW but I thought I’d give dungeon healing another try maybe as my final act in WoW. If they could clarify their position I wouldn’t worry I’m hurting the game if I did it as well. I hope you know that I understand and that it’s Blizzard not you guys, I really hate when people say let’s ban them and I’ve said as much on either Smaugh or Raist. I also hate how some people treat you and I hope I’ve made it clear in other threads. Whatever comes, I think well of you.


They wouldn’t need to ban paying customers.

Just make the queues cross faction. Permanent Mercenary Mode.

Groups would have no idea which team they end up on.

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Yep. You caught me dead handed.

I’m doing something to prevent me from having to do something else because of my pride? gotcha.

Posting this in the 15th thread since blizzard has already commented that sync queueing isn’t against tos.

Cope seethe etc.

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Well if it was an exploit like people claim it is, they should ban the players doing it.

No one said anything about pride, but sure, I’ll accept this projection.

That’s true. Weird that they’ve never banned anyone for doing it.

Help me understand your assumptions then. If you don’t like people assuming what you mean, maybe don’t do the same?

but, if you’re feeling good about yourself, I don’t want to take that away from you. :slight_smile:

At some point, I can no longer assist you.

I don’t care what you assume. Your assumptions do not change reality.

I wish mine did. There would definitely be some changes to reality.

you havn’t been assisting me, dinkus. You been arguing with me while I play with you like a kitten with a ball of yarn. lol. assisting me. you’re cute. I just like making you respond cause you need the last word. I’ll wait.

like gravity?

No, gravity is fine.

It would be more directed at people and their heads.

I’m sorry you feel that way, but even I am not a miracle worker.

This is an interesting interpretation for being called out for your poor analogy.

That’s another projection. I imagine I could keep you here responding to me all day, if I wanted to.

Some of us broke our heads a long time ago. They did what they could. I got left with this.

No one is arguing they are… when it seems that there are more premades in random battlegrounds then rated its clear the system is flawed


In my opinion, I would say it is. The reason I say this, when we look at cheating in whatever game/sport/ect… you are doing something to gain an unfair advantage. Being able to stack people, classes of choice ect… onto a single team to play against people who do not have that option as the match making system just assigns random people who do not get that same choice.

Again, this is my opinion on it and I will not say I speak for the majority or others to avoid being taken out of context :joy:


Then you are wrong.

Blizzard is the arbiter of what is and is not cheating.

Your opinion on it has no weight. My opinion on it has no weight.

I can’t speak for Blizzard, however, my guess is it would be more about revenue. Other things that could be potential is the lack of attention to the gameplay around PvP. The focus has been PvE and will probably have most of their teams resources. We know without having the GMs anymore and working solely through tickets and support we do not get as much interaction as we have had in the past.

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My opinion is not wrong as it is mine to have. With that said, I would refer to my previous post. And just because Blizzard hasn’t taken action, does not mean it’s not cheating necissarily, it could mean that they are still trying to figure out a solution which has not been communicated. That is still to be seen or unseen.


That doesn’t make any sense.

This also doesn’t make any sense. They routinely suspend and even ban people that exploit in PVP.

Yeah, none of that is true either. We absolutely do have GMs. I’m not sure where you got that from.

The real reason is because Blizzard doesn’t consider it an exploit. It’s much easier to be honest and alter your narrative instead of making up nonsense to try and hold up a false narrative.

Except this has been going on for many years now.