Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

This makes no sense. Sorry, not buying it. I have sat in these communities just to understand what’s going on and I have NEVER seen anyone go the random map route. The chance of you all getting into the same map is substantially lower.

You keep trying to argue a position that isn’t what the majority of these communities.

“well I don’t farm gy”
“well I don’t pick specific maps”

You’re the problem. But hey, thanks for continuing to respond to highlight the issue.


Twinks in exp on ques are always a disaster. I always have to mention the 70 and sometimes 19 backets when people bring up twinks as bad. 19 and 70 exp off ques remained strong throughout.

But these guys bypassing the que restrictions to pug stomp are not those players. These are like the players that wanted to twink on levelers. Same mindset. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if they literally are those players.

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Pick different communities then.

We don’t all play the same way. Some communities have their own theme. They only play on certain maps.

The ones I most often play with use random maps, there doesn’t seem to be any significant difference in the chance of getting into the same instance.

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I have sat in a few of them to understand the problem. I don’t care about the outliers.

Cool. Still doesn’t change the issue.


Nothing will change the issue.

Queuing via countdowns on voice or chat is allowed.

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Cool story. Players like me will continue to push to see change happen.

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people been trying that for years, Epic pvpers are patient. sometimes waiting hours in queue only to finish a game in 3 minutes.

if you want to fight back, make your own community. there is a reason this scene is growing, its fun. community vs community drama and fights are some of the best and most engaging content this game has to offer. there is a reason you can barely put together a 20 man raid 1 night a week for PVE halfway through a season yet Epic PVPers are putting together multiple 40 mans on both factions every night. this is the real end game for when you get tired of dancing with NPCs.

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Premades do not have a right to pugs.
Pugs should only face pugs. Time to fix this.


there is Solo Shuffle and Rated Blitz (Solo RBGs)

Solo shuffle is arena.

There are RBGs for group content.

To farm randoms? You’re the problem.

That’s good, but premades still don’t have the right to pugs. It should always be pug vs. pug.

For those who say, its an MMO and Blizzard wants to people to play with friends.

You can play with up to 4 friends. If you think this is a bug, then add a 6th person to your group and try to queue. If you can not, then you are circumventing the system, which is a way of bypassing the system, which in fact is an exploitation of the system to gain an unfair advantage.

If you can do it with 6 people in a group, then Blizzard has made it intended.

Also 40 member premade is not more important than the 100s of Solos/Duos/Trios/Quads/5 mans that are playing legitimately.

Sorry not sorry!

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In your opinion, is this cheating?

Hi, so in my opinion and experience as a pug for many years who enjoys PVP. I have noticed that most people who complain about premades are highly rated in PVP and are a bit elitist. I have tried many times to join a rated reg bg but because I don’t have rank cannot find a group yet how can you get rank unless you’re invited to a group. So, I started doing epics which some pugs just ruin it, don’t follow objectives and fight in chat, that’s not fun. I discovered premades, I enjoy them very much. I love the leads and objectives, too bad there is drama within all the communities and the dodging. I only see highly rated pvpers complaining about premades not pugs. Is there perhaps jealousy because many premade leaders know how to play and win. My group does not pug stomp, we are in and out if there is no competition. I much rather fight premade against premade. Not looking for a long drawn-out forum battle just stating my opinion on this matter.

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Why hasn’t Blizzard taken action against people doing this then?

Blitz is solo and duo queueing if you have a healer friend. i personally think it should be solo only, but duo is needed to entice healers to queue.

that only tells us what you would do if you had your own premade. not all premades are like this and just getting killed in a bg isn’t “getting farmed”. BSG for example will backdoor or blitz if we are against pugs, we are trying to face other premades, not pugs.

once you have had to deal with one too many rude and toxic pugs throwing winnable games you’ll stop having as much sympathy for them.

i think an ideal setup would be something like a 30 man premade on each side with 10 pugs. this lets the raids teach pugs proper strategy and calls as well as recruit.


Same reason there are still bugs in Pandaria.

Wait long enough and it graduates to a feature.

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That’s not quite the same thing. That’s a terrible comparison.

Some bugs are incredibly hard to fix. This issue would be simple – just ban the people that are doing it.

So again, my question – why hasn’t blizzard taken action against people doing it?

Right, so you’re not able to answer my question.

The reason for that is because you’d have to admit that Blizzard does NOT consider this an exploit.

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