I don’t think he was. I think he’s just not online at all. I share a common Discord server with him and he never shows as online whereas before he was always online.
ignorance is your thing i get it
I hope he’s okay.
You and Snowcreast should hug and make up, I hate when mommy and daddy fight.
Hirav’s ego couldn’t handle being on by the arena players:
being bad at this game is your thing. we like different things i guess…go que up with snowbreasts. he’s bad too
What a way to go out.
we’re not btag buddies.
Maybe he tried his trolling and smack talking irl and is suffering from this thing called “F around and Find out” or … consequences
Seriously though, the fact that he is offline in discord is probably more concerning than him being mia on the forums
Him not showing up on discord is a nothing burger. He could easily be appearing offline “invisible” while still gaming. I do it all the time, so some of my friends dont drive me crazy wanting to play helldivers or other steam games.
I hope this is the case and that he is all well.
I dont doubt that, friends hounding you to play other games gets annoying when you just want to Pvp on Wow.
Hirav was more of a fanatic about Wow than most I felt
Same, while we disagree on stuff and he has no idea about a lot of things from my perspective I hope he is all good so we can argue more
He seemed like a chronically online person, who was responding to everyone almost immediately at all hours of the day. I feel like he’s either had a reality check and is re-evaluating himself or setting up the biggest comeback persona this forum has ever seen. Who knows lol.
Edit: Also because I have first hand experience with this one. You could always reach out to blizzard through a ticket and ask for a wellness check on him. They will almost immediately reach out and will let you know if they hear from him. Its a bit drastic but we had a guild mate in my SoD guild say some really troubling things on discord and vanish for a few days. Blizzard let us know they talked to him and everything was alright.
Haha I hope
I’m sure all the friends he syncs with will reach out to Blizzard if they feel the need.
Nah, he’s legitimately offline not invisible. It’s entirely possible that he just doesn’t turn Disc on at all anymore.

It’s entirely possible he just doesn’t turn Disc on at all anymore.
Fingers crossed.
In this eventful time, I hope you all are safe and well.
There are many weaklings out here.
So i would not be surprised if he is done playing.

2.3k was easy
Probably should have got R1 then
Sounds like I really missed out on this Hirav guy. Seems like a legend.
I mean he was ‘special’ for sure