Premade potatoes


Also nope.

Why would I want to interact with someone in discord that’s so hostile? Maybe make some more threads about 1600 players cheating.

2.3k solo shuffle would like a word with your twitter fingers. You’re nothing. Anyways you can move on with your life and obsession of losing to me. You’d probably better get some prayer beads or something, or some really good excuses for when you run into me early in the season in shuffle. You’re definitely in for a good amount of losses, on top of the ones you already piled up here by showing how weak and scared you are. Just log into Discord. Let’s see what you have to say.

Would you happen to be in Virginia on March 8th, if you ignored the law, and illegaly used your grandmas car and no license to arrive at the in-ring event?

:man_beard: What kind of beards are we talking about?

I honestly wouldn’t mind chatting, if you didn’t lie so much. :slight_smile:


Uh oh. Now we have a real internet tough guy.

Oh, you voted Kamala. It all makes sense now.

I actually did not. You have a bad read on people. This really isn’t the place for politics, unless you want to get yourself and the thread nuked.


“No Lazarus, I won’t meet up in Discord. I’m shaking and nervous, and would need medication to be able to tolerate that. Sorry. I am not good at trying to debunk things that I know not to be true. I tried to think of ways that I could work around your history and multiple accounts, but I can’t come up with anything. Also I don’t want to get pulled into anything I can’t handle IRL, just like in-game. Sorry Lazarus, I’m just attracted to you, and I’ll always follow you in hopes that I don’t have to pay to catch up to your casual 2.3k.” - Badroi

You know, let me level with you for one moment and then we can both go back to this fun game. If you can post just one screenshot of you actually being above 2.4, I’ll quit poking at you and calling you out for your obvious bs. Just one actual screenshot. I have tons of them.

I’ll even put you on ignore. How about that? You can lie all you want and feel good about the rating you never hit. :slight_smile:

You logging into Discord right now or not? Did you want to lose in some wargames vs. me tonight or not?

2.3k was easy.

So you don’t even have one screenshot? Not even one?

I blocked them ages ago. I’m actually surprised they haven’t been banned yet. They need it.


Says the combatant space goat

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in my opinion some dishes like a potato pancake or latka require the potatoes premade. left over mashed potatoes are good base.

[12:59:18] [I] [80:Defnotanotherdruid-Agg:5]: you toddlers are sitting around our base and refinery… this is why people find pre made communities… b/c 95% of ebg players have no idea what to do and want a carry
[12:59:21] Defnotanotherdruid-Aggramar has left the battle
[12:59:21] Defnotanotherdruid-Aggramar has left the instance group.

Average queue sync exploiter. He’s Defnot in the guild DJL either.


Reminds me of a Monk (who I haven’t seen on forums for awhile) and a Paladin who would literally go back and forth for days.

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You could be talking about my paladin (similar name as my hunter) debating with Hirav(the Panda Monk).

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Unless Hirav is one of these classic alt poster, props to him for not making a new account just to come back and post again. I wonder how long his suspension is. Its been over a month now. Probably either 3 or perma.

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Oh yeah, I blocked them too lol.

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you can be permanently banned with no active subscription and still post.

ask me how i know

no one cares what you or snowbreasts may or may not know

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If Hirav was silenced he can still like this reply :stuck_out_tongue: