We needs new players


I think we can all agree that PvP participation is at a very low point across the board.

Current PvE players are unlikely to overcome their distaste for PvP.

Increasing participation will require new players.

Fiddling around at the edges, changing rewards structures, rating systems and so on, putting band aids on a failing side event, will not bring new players to the game.


My suggestion is to detach PvP from the main subscription.

PvP should move to be Free-2-Play or attached to the Xbox Game Pass, alongside the other Blizzard games already on the pass.

Unlike the current trial system, players should not be restricted from using in game chat or the auction house. They should be able to join guilds and communities. Social interactions should be encouraged.

A new city should be constructed and it should be quarantined from the rest of the game, like the way MoP:Remix was, where your character would be unable to leave. Except it would only need to be a small enclave, big enough for players to not be standing on top of each other and to contain some vendors and the AH. It should contain the things described here: PVP needs some serious QOL changes.

F2P/Game Pass players would be prevented from engaging in any form of PvE. If players find that they wish to access PvE, they would need to purchase the expansion and subscribe.

Levelling all the way up to the current expansion level cap should occur entirely within Battlegrounds/Arenas.

An increase to the XP gained from them would be necessary.

When at level cap, players should have full access to both Rated and Unrated modes of PvP.

Players should be able to buy WoW Tokens to enable them to use the auction house to buy consumables and gear.


If PvP was a path to introduce new players to WoW, Blizzard would have a measurable incentive to increase the available budget to have more focus on its systems.

Participation would increase, with an influx of players who would not normally consider beginning to play WoW due to the initial cost outlay, queues would be quicker, inflation in rated modes would increase dramatically.


Hi everybody I play MMORPGs but I don’t like MMORPGs or know what they are


You sound like one of those Hotel Hell type proprietors, adamant that the way things have been going is perfectly fine, and new customers are just around the corner, meanwhile your business is falling down around you.

The ones who refuse to do anything the show suggest, because what they’ve been doing is traditional.

And it’s really sad, then you find out that they went bankrupt, divorced their partner and moved back in with their parents.


Hmm? No I just know this idea is far fetched would never happen and wouldn’t work. Not even sure what the point of the post is.

I’m also self aware that a 20 year old seasonal based game has ups and downs and that for what the situation is WoW is nowhere near a “dead game”

Spoken exactly like the (soon to be bankrupt) adamant business owner.

Where did I say it was dead?

Participation is down. This is bleedingly obvious.

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I know ur an uhm aktually type redditor arguer as your main hobby and I’m not gonna fall for it I’m just gonna make fun of you for the hey guys what if like we made PvP for free post


What exactly is your problem with getting more players?

Love new plays don’t like bad ideas

So again, like the hoteliers, would like new customers, but doesn’t want to paint a room.

How exactly would making PvP free, or attached to the Game Pass, any different for you?

Like an idiot he thinks blizzard will make PvP a separate game that’s free and it will totally bring people into the game


No one said anything about a separate game.

Just have tiered access.

So you get PvP for free and have to pay for PvE.

Because doing the same thing that has been done for years is really working, isn’t it?

WoW is so successful it’s a staple part of western culture like Star Wars. That guy on Joe rogan yesterday used WoW as an example talking about how consciousness works lol. You think a mmorpg that’s been out for 20 years having this many players is anything short of insane success??

New gimmicks won’t bring people flocking to the game. They already know about the game and generally say it lost its identity somewhere between cata-wod. News flash it’s because of hair brain ideas like yours. People that wanna play wow want to play a good mmorpg.

Reel um back by making the game an mmorpg (classic wows success)

Have you ever played any other games besides this one?

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I think that blizzard can absolutely do things to better market the game, but I also think it’s important to recognize that MMOs are also just not for everyone.

I also don’t fully agree that proposing other solutions are entirely bandaids or wastes of time.

I think that the strength that wow has that other games don’t is the fact that it has SO much to offer from pvp to pve and the different modes therein. I think rewarding players for engaging in ALL the content (something similar to gw2 legendary system) would go a long way to increasing population and playtime in both pvp AND pve.

As for bringing players into the game itself, I’m genuinely not sure what the best play for that is, but I think that frequent events like plunderstorm and remix are good ways to do it.

Current estimated online WoW players is ~240,000.

Fortnite currently has ~2,300,000 online.

Tell me again how successful WoW is.


Fortnite is free

Yes. I know. Read the OP.

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I guess we can check in when Fortnite is 20 years old.

And yes MMORPGs haven’t been popular for a long time because they stopped being what they were and became microtransaction carebear worlds. This is pretty well documented where have you been

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You mean, this is well claimed.

Fortnite is popular what if we make WoW fornite :nerd_face:


Fortnite is popular because it’s free.

What if we made WoW free?

Or, really, technically, only the PvP portion.

Which only the minority of WoW players play and Blizzard spends the least possible amount of money on.