6 games in a row tonight 4 epic, 2 randoms, all premades and for some reason, many of the same players across both.
Hirav had some peculiarities. He would argue that there were no issues with queue syncing, that it created no victims as anyone could do it. He was all for MW FCs teliporting and multi-torpedoing/rolling for a whole match and call people bad if they didnt find where the MWs port was set and sit there and wait for the MW. Blizzard made lots of changes for MW as we saw in the mobility and mobility while FCing dept.
While many of us disagreed with him, now that he disappeared we are hoping he comes back.
Anyone who takes this game seriously is a potato
This mentality is how you end up hard-stuck challenger across 3 xpacs.
Also you are on the forums of the game with 20k posts and seem to think that amounts to you not taking the game seriously?
The people on here make me chuckle sometimes.
Classic alt to hide hardstuck 1800.
He loves to attack rating but refuses to prove he’s any better lol it’s very funny to watch.
I post on my SoD bank alt so I can speak my mind on here and shut down full-time forum pvpers without receiving any backlash in-game for myself or anyone else.
If you must know, I hit R1 cutoff last season. I won’t say on what spec or give you any clues, but i’m slightly above 1800 .
I have said this before but by posting on this character I am not trying to get any clout or recognition. Unlike the terminally online forum dwellers, I can actually achieve cool things in the game and don’t rely on making thousands upon thousands of posts on here as my only claim to fame.
Anyway it seems to only be the life-time challengers/rivals that have a problem with me posting on this character. and to that I say…haters mad.
Hard stuck implies I’m trying. I’m easy stuck baby. I’m a dad, and work in construction. Those two jobs come first. WoW is a distant 19th.
This place is a great hang out to talk about my hobby.
You’re welcome.
idk that sounds a bit delusional to me tbh. Saying anybody who puts effort in is a potato, whilst also having a track record of being one yourself. and at the same time having one of the highest post counts i’ve seen here…make it make sense.
To you or in general?
Don’t waste your time with him honestly. Everyone knows he’s just a faker. He’s all talk.
Either would be fine.
The point i’m trying to make is:
You say something like this, while having 21710 posts on the WoW forums. That seems like you take the game pretty seriously to me, to spend that much time on here writing 20k posts. But your check-pvp shows that you clearly don’t take the game seriously and would be considered one of these so-called potatoes. (Not by your own logic, but by common sense). Most first time pvpers I have seen can hit 1800 in their first season quite easily while not even knowing their spec or the game that well.
Imagine if you spent less time on forums and instead tried to learn the game you apparently “don’t take seriously”? I feel like you would have more of a grounded opinion than “Anyone who takes this game seriously is a potato”.
You didn’t, but that’s ok. Because it’s the internet and you can be whoever you want champ!
bet you 1mil gold that I did, buddy
Seems like you agree with me.
Hard to play the game from work.
Well if it seems that way I gave the wrong impression or you failed to understand the point i’m trying to make but that’s ok.
Yes I also work full-time and make a living as well and prioritise my job over the game.
You seem like you have developed a complex over anyone being better at the game than you so you drop cop-out logic like “they take it seriously so they suck and i’m so much better because I work a construction job and have children”. Please. You have 20k posts on here, cope harder.
On WoW forums there is 100% an inverse correlation between amount of posts and highest rating achieved, with very few exceptions. i have seen only a handful of players on here with thousands of posts who can actually play the game. The rest are just goofballs who spend too much time on forums trying to debate people.
Why is everyone feeding the cowar… uhh i mean troll hiding on an alt.
Read like 2 posts and scrolled to the bottom. Lol.
Door dashes must be slow this week.
Whats this correlation youre trying to draw that
- I have a lot of posts so
- I must want to be good at the game
I dont see how thats related at all.
Are you a parent?
Yeah I think we are done here, with the reading difficulties and all.
Huge projection right there. No tip for you buddy.