if you’re in a premade in any capacity in randoms you are a potato
1700 in BGB calling others potato
Not really. People premade so as to not play with potatoes.
Premade potatoes? Like instant-mash?
If I were a potato, i’d be a sweet potato.
Hiding behind a classic alt trying to call out rating.
Always those with a hidden profile and low-level toon attacking people’s ratings. Shame.
Always the lifetime rivals malding over me posting. Unlike the career forum-pvpers I don’t care about the clout gained from arguing with people on here. By posting on my alt I am actually way more honorable than either of you.
Besides the priest has their account hidden on check-pvp, how is that any better than what I am doing?
For the paladin, you should take a leaf out of my book and post on a classic alt, Celinthia. because your lack of achievements really should make anyone with half a brain disregard anything you type. Like seriously playing 20 alts and not even cracking 2k would make me frustrated and resort to crying on forums as well. Even if I did post on my main character, you would find something else to cry about. It makes no difference. Keep padding that post count though since that is the only thing you are able to increase effectively.
Why lie man? Unlike you our profiles aren’t hidden and you can see we both have been higher.
More lies. It’s like you can’t read or something. I have gotten up to 2100. Now unhide your profile so we can see where you have gotten, you won’t though.
Guys, the topic is potatoes.
Sorry lifetime rival with a brief peak at duelist ages ago. Then back to rival.
Sooo much better .
But cant hit duelist in s1 tww…most inflated season since SL, as a supposed bg player.
Ahh you also can’t tell time lol
LOL come on little buddy put your money where mouth is. You won’t.
Yeah you cant even hit duelist in BGB yet you spend hours in BG forums. Im not doing anything you say
Keep padding that post count though maybe you will hit 3k on forums.
All talk no action. Come on prove you are better than me. You got to be at least a multi glad with how much you are talking down about 2100.
Keep hiding behind alts and a hidden account. Coward.
You arent 2100 now though are you? Probs bought a boost for that one season.
I have been 2100 multiple times. Why on earth would I buy a boost? HAHAH Come on, prove you’re as good as you act like you are. Talk means nothing. Prove it.
I will never do what you say. I dont listen to anyone with more posts than peak CR. Best if i just put you on ignore tbh because the one thing you do crush me in is padding your post count. Which im just helping you do at this point. I dont want to enable you any more. GG and GL getting back to Duelist one day.
I know you think your proving a point or sound “cool” but it’s just cringe AF man you’re in a casual battleground thread talking about a rating nobody cares about and shows it how unfulfilled you are as a person by having to keep bringing any discussion back to rating without actually contributing anything it’s pretty pathetic tbh
Oh of course. All talk no action. It’s ok little coward. Hide in your little echo chamber.
Like honestly. If he backed himself up by proving he was high rating it would make more sense, but he refuses to prove anything. He clearly just a troll.
I farm you in random BGs all the time, settle down champ. If im the potato but also the farmer then who was tractor?