Potential New inclusivity update

Unfortunately, “woke” ideas are profitable.

we all know its pandering as they wont make these changes in several nations. its pandering plain and simple


woke ideology is already dooming marvel dc most of disney starwars startrek so on so forth.

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You do realize star wars is a story again corporations/discrimination/fascism or Star Trek(who was fairly “woke” even back when it air) that was one of the first show that had an inter racial kiss or that Marvel, who had the X-men(an allegory about minor oppression by the majority) or DC who literally has superman punching fascist.

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I am more bothered in this thread of ppl not knowing what gender actually means and continously mis-using it for “ideology” when it is not an ideology word, but one the discribe your gender the same as a paper asking what “sex” you are.

Actually gender is the better word for that since people tends to be immature of the word sex.

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its part of a bigger ideology known as intersectionalism which has many things involved with it . look we conservitives know exactly what the leftist wants the other side doesnt understand us at all.

I care not for conservatives either.

I just feel if we are to have this discussion, we should be using currect vocabulary to do so. Not twist it to other things.


Going to refer to comment I made in a separate thread addressing this point

What does a terrible space opera, a SC-FI show from the 60s, a show about mutants, and Superman punching fascists have to do with the conversation of Blizzard taking away the gender selection tool?

Essentialization is an irrational thought process through which people attempt to ascribe fundamental qualities to things, such as in-game models, that don’t actually exist in an effort to make them simpler to understand.

Also, do you recall the updates from the original WoW player models to the new updated ones? They didn’t come all at once. They were spread out race by race after the expansions launched.

At any case. i think we can turn this body rhetoric into something good.

This can be the first step to a model toggle for races like the forsaken to give them say night elf dark rangers.

I stated a fact.

The character models currently called “Body 1 & 2”

Were originally called Male & Female because they were designed as the Male and Female version for each race.

Changing their label doesn’t make that not the case anymore.

And removing that label doesn’t indicate that they’re going to add more body types, that’s a big assumption some people are making.

As far as we actually know - they removed terms referring to biological sex just for the sake of it.

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That these produces were always “woke”. Keep up with the conversation.

Weren’t dark ranger customization options already added to the night elves, blood elves, and Void Elves?

Changing the gender symbols to body silhouette =/= removing gender.

Yes, but atm dispite lore saying more NE dark rangers remained with the forsaken, we have no way to play as that.

This could change that.

It also feels odd alliance has more Dark ranger options then horde.

You can also look at it this way too.

Lfd can be changed to an actual army of the light and have a few more race avatars for it too.

the issue is the removal.

Forsaken are in an odd place. Because they’re basically exclusively human, where are Undead Orc, Tauren, Draenei, etc…

It’s one of those cases where waaaaayy back when developing the game they should have gone with Gnolls or something instead of Forsaken to join the horde.

OR I could easily see Forsaken as their own separate faction from the Horde (they just seem at such odds with each other)

I do not understand why it is so hard to make a “male body 2” with female features? Why does it has to be “body 3”? It’s too offensive and insensible towards people living outside America.

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Anyone else notice the people complaining about this don’t even really play the game?