Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Changing the name of something doesn’t change what they were designed as.

They were designed as forms to represent the biological sex of each race. Calling them “Body Types” doesn’t suddenly make them no longer what they were.

By making this change in labels they are in fact conflating the two.

If this was actually about adding body types then they would have done the work of implementing something like they did for Dracthyr, which allowed them to slim down or bulk up the model.

Take humans as a base example.

They could have kept “Male/Female”, and then in the menu given them further options of; “Athletic, Large, Slim, etc”

But they opted for the poor design choice instead that doesn’t make any sense when people could already change their sex in the barber shop.

Now maybe, just maybe, they will add more body choices besides one and two. But based on their previous track record, part of me seriously doubts that is the case