Potential New inclusivity update

That line of reasoning could apply to alot of things that were “fine” before. Like you know discriminating on LGBT+ because it was “fine” before. Or slavery, or prohibition for inter-racial marriage. All of those things were “fine” before we decided it wasn’t.

this sounds like something you would only hear in a californian or leftist controlled company which demands you agree with them or get fired or you will get canceled or attacked. better idea how about make no changes and more people will be happy


If you don’t like their game or their policies you could always stop playing. Why support a company you clearly disagree with?

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Perhaps with enough negative feedback they’ll realize their mistake and change it back. That’s the goal anyway


i feel sorry for you, i pity you and your inability to understand non wokeness.

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Or this is a nothing issue and like the aforementioned addition new human NPCs with more diverse looks will be a outrage forgotten in a few months.

I don’t need your pity sir.

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so your all for this anti straight people push and you clearly are sexist against straight people by demanding blizzard remove gender.

Again, no one is removing gender. You can still keep calling yourself he/she.

using that straightphobic talk again.

Good day sir. And hope you stay salty about this change.

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That’s a logical fallacy. You can’t apply or conflate that argument that leaving the character gender selection as is, is somehow discriminatory to the LGBTQ community or discriminatory towards any other community because it’s not “diverse” enough. You’re literally just stretching at this point.

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you and those making this change are sexist and are straightphobic and should be looked into for discrimination

An unnecessary change to a system that wasn’t broken to begin with.

Go ahead and see how far that gets you.

Considering the current response to this thread it was very much necessary.

all you have to do is change the whole LGBTQ with straight and the other their playing victim. they are the most privilaged group atm.

Man or Women and that is it, as i find it offensive otherwise and will refuse to play this game or buy this woke crap. This woke road isn’t going to end well for Blizz.

lets see how well this change goes in china or russia or name a middle eastern or hindu nation

Why? Because people are calling Blizzard out for what it is, which is pandering to the loudest vocal minority?


No, it’s not. It’s not inclusive enough if you cannot label it as “male 1” or “female 1”.