Potential New inclusivity update

I was not aware that people needed the character creation screen to explicitly say ‘male’ or ‘female’ to affirm what their character’s gender is. And here I thought that people deciding on their character’s gender for themselves was good enough.

Silly me.

anyone from a non english speaking nation can tell you how this woke speech doesnt work. nearly all languages are gendered with male and female or nuderd words. its frankly insaulting to non native english speakers.

You’re also not “Changed Goblin Model 1”. You are a Vulpera with male or female attributes.

It’s not entirely true as they had different undead within their ranks, as well as a demon at one point. And even then who to say they where the only undead that has free will? There is no lich king anymore and the undead roams freely, with the mindless ones atracking anything that moves. What happens with the ones that is not mindless? Not all of them is going to want to continue being scourge, maybe some would join the forsaken?

This of course not assuming what is already there in the first place

Also again the body system can be used for other things, like more tuaren models, a proper wildhammer model, more troll models, even more races that would be interested in joining the army of the light.

So would you be happy if they just removed the hover-over text and just had the silhouettes?

As someone who’s mother tongue does not have grammatical gender(Filipino) you are just plain wrong.

WALS Online - Chapter Number of Genders

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No. Because this will be too hard for several races down the line:

Sethraks, Tuskarrs and even Vulpera.
People want to play a specific gender for a reason. Vulpera are already hard to differentiate for the ordinary player.

In one way it’s exclusive; Genders are being deleted.
Where’s my womanhood?
I mean they already turned “me” into a fruitbowl…

it’s kind of pissing me off, not gonna lie.
Also; People with dingles - please get out of my bathrooms at official places, thanks.


The body silhouette is generic, not race specific.

it is exclusive they are against true diversity gender and all moral rules and standards they want to remove all that is true and replace it with their fantasy at the cost of alienating more people than they would make happy.

It might can work but I reserve my opinion for actual changes.

What a weird thing to care about. But hey, that’s your perogative I guess.

They already did. With Dracthyr. And the idea that this change was made to accomodate them is, frankly, a very reasonable deduction to make.

Far more reasonable than your idea of why they did it.

If the devs would just add an option at character creation for people to continue using the current system instead of forcing everyone over into the new system (choosing prounouns or what have you), the vast majority of this current controversy would just go away. Players could just activate the system they prefer at login and then pretend the other one doesn’t exist.

Accommodating both viewpoints (traditional style & new style of character creation) is the most “inclusive” route that Blizzard could possibly take even if it requires more design work and coding. Everybody wins.

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Dracthyr being given body mass options is not the same thing :man_facepalming:

For one that’s an option that happens AFTER you choose the gender model of the “humanoid form”. One being clearly Male and the other Female

What you are referencing is the equivalent of the bulk slider from Skyrim.

This has got to be doable. There is no way they make this change into non-English versions of the game.

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I would venture to guess 95%+ of those are men who prefer to look at women, not BE a woman. Hence their transmog usually being on the slutty side with minimal clothing. So keep reaching with baseless incorrect arguements. According to studies those who identify as trans in the United States is about 0.6% of the population, and that’s probably on the high side. In addition there are many actual women who play WoW, I know shocker right.

Isn’t it? Or is it just a wrench in this narrative?

They stated Nearly…not all…nearly=very close to; almost.

I’m still don’t see the need. Are people planning running around without armor on? Most of the time I couldn’t tell what body type my characters are.

You have about a 50/50 chance of getting it right. /shrug